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Deviance In The Workplace

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As long as people work together in organizations, there will be varying opinions and differences that may become temporary obstacles in achieving organizational goals. The general perception is that all deviances from the norm are negative and undesirable. However, some deviances, drawn upon collective intelligence, can be positive and have potential benefits to organizations.

Traditionally, deviances are considered to be resistance to authority, ignoring orders and must be suppressed (Peus, 2011). Deviance that neither adhere to organizational standards, legal procedures, nor social values can negatively affect organization profitability, productivity and employee morale. For example, employees that disrupt the workplace constantly with inappropriate behaviour can lower organization morale as other employees may feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Employees who constantly neglect their work will cause reduction in overall productivity, and set negative examples for the team if not corrected properly and timely. If left unaddressed, negative deviance may discourage hard-working employees from staying at the company, thus increasing costs as company lose valuable workers. …show more content…
Prominent examples are work place sexual harassment, corruption and discriminatory remarks. Managements that are caught in corruption scandals can cause profit and stocks to fall as consumers boycotts the organization's goods and services. As the organization's reputation falls, and consumers deem it untrustworthy, the organization may find itself replaced by other firms as it is no longer competitive. A way to rectify this situation is to respond quickly to the scandal and separate the standpoint of the organization from the

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