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Ssd2 Module 3

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Module 3 Chapters 11-16 Questions
1. How can nurses enhance awareness and education about vision disorders?
Nurses can enhance awareness about visual disorders by educating about the Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Avoidable Blindness and Visual Impairment. GAP has estimated that 80% of visual impairments can be avoided or cured. I would make sure that my patient understood that it is likely that we can help him/her if they are not seeing as well as they use to. I would also explain that visual impairments have a huge correlation with increase in age. I would reassure my patients that a lot of older adults struggle with visual disorders and that if we can help we would like to. When doing my assessment with my patients I would ask them if …show more content…
Shoulder blades, sacrum, and the heels on one’s feet are a few examples of common places that are susceptible to pressure ulcer development.

3. What are some of the reasons that fad diets are dangerous?

Fad diets tend to be very restrictive and can be extremely dangerous because they may lack important nutrients the body needs. Blood glucose can drop dangerously low if one is restricting and can result in passing out. After one is finished with a fad diet and begins to eat normally again, the body will cling to the food it is being given because the body was previously starvation mode. Fad diets can alter one’s metabolism and are not safe.

4. What are your suggestions for enhancing fluid intake for individuals with dementia residing in skilled nursing facilities?
Incorporating fluids into scheduled activities is a good way to ensure that individuals with dementia are drinking fluids. Having a cup of water in the patient’s room at all times is important. It is a good idea to have the cup labeled so the nurse can tell how much water has been drank. I would encourage drinking water, but would also offer other

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