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Optometrist Research Paper

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The average optometrists performs several functions during their work day. A couple include prescribing, supplying, and fitting visual aids such as spectacles or contacts. Analyzing test results and removing foreign bodies from the eye. These are done on an everyday basis. The history of optometry begins in Europe where in 1286 the first pair of glasses were developed in northern Italy. Another important milestone in the history of optometry is when contact lenses were developed in 1938. The education program for optometrists is usually 8 years long. This means a doctorate degree is not needed. The first 4 years usually entails obtaining a chemistry or biology degree. After that enrollment in an optometry program is required to finish studies. …show more content…
The first university that offers this is Salus University in the Philadelphia area. Next is New York State University which has a College of Optometry. Illinois College and Uc Berkeley both have optometry programs which are ranked top in the nation. The last school is Ohio State University which is unique because you can finish all 8 years of schooling at this university. Annually, an optometrist makes between $43,200-201,130 with an average salary of $114,570. Hourly an optometrist makes around $50. This means an optometrist makes around $9,500 a month. The average optometrist works 40 hours a week. They also compensate for patients needs by working weekends and evenings occasionally. An optometrists schedule is very flexible and work hours can be set for their needs. There usually is no need for an optometrist to travel for work. In Pennsylvania the annual growth is projected to be 1.46% with a total of 80

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