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Submitted By stephendinesh
Words 1365
Pages 6
Task 1:
Leadership styles used by Mackey in WFM
There are three Leadership styles used by Mackey in WFM that are Democratic, Bureaucratic and Free Reign.
Bureaucratic Style:
This style is used when leaders tell their employees what they want done and how they want it accomplished, without getting the advice of their followers (Kurt Lewin 1939).
It is a style of leadership that follows rules and past approaches in any event of their effectiveness in changing environments.
Bureaucratic Style in WFM:
In order to get a full time job in WFM, employee should get 2/3 of vote from the team members if employee did not get the support he or she would not get a full time position. This a rule in WFM to select employee, no one can break this rule and get a full time job without 2/3 support of the team members.
*To get full time job in WFM new employee will show his maximum productivity to get 2/3 vote from the team members.
*Only employees with good performance will get the full time position in WFM.
Advantages of using bureaucratic
Only employee with good performance will get the full time position in WFM. Because if team vote to hire a wrong person it will affect their own salary.
Disadvantages of using bureaucratic
Even though new employee have good creative and productive, if new employee did not get 2/3 vote from team member then employee will not get full time job in WFM.
Democratic Style:
This style involves the leader including one or more employees in the decision making process (determining what to do and how to do it). However, the leader maintains the final decision making authority (Kurt Lewin 1939).
It is a leadership style in which members of group take more participative role to take decisions.
Democratic style in WFM:
Voting to select a new employee by the existing employee. And disclosing financial data to all the employees from

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