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State Flag Controversy

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The state flag of Mississippi was not always the one you see flying today. According to the University of Mississippi, the “Magnolia”, was considered the state flag for over thirty years before the Mississippi State legislature adopted the current flag in 1894. This current flag, now the state flag for over one hundred years, has three stripes- blue, white, and red- and a small version of the Confederate battle cross in the upper left-hand corner. This Confederate battle cross, created in 1861, is often recognized as a symbol of hatred or racism, especially toward the African American community.
This is due largely to the Civil War. This war fought between the north and the south had immense racial tension, as one sizeable cause of the Civil …show more content…
For some people, the flag represents a piece of history, a piece of history that some argue, is no one person’s right to remove. The argument, however, is controversial. So controversial in fact, Georgia, a state with a flag that also contained the Confederate battle cross, voted to be represented by a new flag in 2001. Mississippi had a similar voting this year, but the proposition for a new flag ultimately failed. The Georgia flag that got approved in 2001 only subtly comprised this controversial symbol. According to the new Georgia encyclopedia, the Georgia flag had a giant seal with their state name, along with a small banner containing all previous state flags. Many thought that this was still inappropriate, however, and the flag got changed yet again in 2004- this time with no Confederate battle …show more content…
The gunman is assumed to have targeted this church due to its historical African American community. In the shooting, nine were killed, and one more was injured. Dylan Roof, the man convicted of the killing spree, posed for pictures with the Confederate flag directly before the shooting occurred. These pictures sparked interest in the state of Mississippi and concerned citizens turned to their governor, Phil Bryant, for answers on whether or not these actions would influence the change of the state flag. Bryant denied that there would be alterations made to the state flag, and stated that the 2001 vote would stand firm in the people’s decision to keep the current 1894 flag. This incident, did however, push for the idea of a possible new voting, which although is yet to occur, is still being fought for by many different

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