...In the documentary, “State of Fear, the film reveals insights on the Peruvian Truth Reconciliation Commission. With personal testimony, history and exclusive footage, the documentary illustrates the escalating violence in Peru and how the fear of terrorism damaged democracy. The specific events exploit Peru being a dictatorship where official corruption replaced the rule of law. The terrorist attacks by the Shining Path insurgents provoke many issues for the government. Inevitably, the most important factor of the rise, consolidation and the fall of the guerilla terrorist group is the Communist Party of Peru-The Shining Path during the 1970s through the 1990s. During the 1960s, Abimael Guzman initially founded the Shining Path. Guzman was a professor of philosophy at San Cristobal of Huamanga University in Ayacucho, which is a small city in the southern Peruvian Andes. Influenced by Maoism, Marxism and Lenninism, Guzman traveled to China to further develop and expand his ideologies for change. Guzman believed that the subjugated class was the key element to help the society to prosper. The ideology of Guzman was to increase the living conditions of Peru’s poor members of society. He ultimately recruited an army to use violence against the Peruvian government to change their way of life. At the time, the Peruvian government was very corrupt. The government was a subpar democracy that neglected human rights of Peruvians. The upper class Peruvians possessed most of the money and...
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...Many immigrants come to the United States for a better future for their families and themselves, but not knowing the difficulties they must face crossing the border to get here first. Immigrants know it is not an easy thing to do migrating to the United States because it is not that simple as getting on a plane and heading over here. They must face many challenges and risks crossing the border without getting caught or killed. Once they finally get here (the ones that survive) they realize the danger is not over, but it just beginning. Immigrants that migrate to the United States in pursue of a better life for their families and themselves, but face the first challenge even before crossing the border, which is leaving their families behind. “When men and women immigrate illegally to the United States, they often leave much more than a town and a country. They leave fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, sons and daughters. The children sometimes grow up not knowing their parents — and sometimes never seeing them again. In some cases, they come to resent the parent who isn’t there at Christmas or on their birthday or to tuck them in at night.” (Trevizo) leaving family behind is the most difficult thing for a parent because you do not know if you will die trying to cross the border or how long it will take to be reunited with the ones you love. They have to say goodbye to their love ones like if it is the last time he or she will see them again. Immigrants pay money to be...
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...Soledad O'Brien states, “I've learned that fear limits you and your vision. It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps down the road for you” (qtd.in “Soledad O'Brien Quotes”). Being apprehensive can lead one astray from his or her goals, and can cause complete change within a person. In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, a group of British boys are stranded on an island, without any any adults, after their plane crashes. Amongst the boys, some, such as Ralph, Piggy, and Simon are rational and still have their minds and bodies invested in being rescued. The other’s, under the command of Jack Merridew, have let rumours of of a beast, and a blind, burning, passion to hunt fog their minds leaving only the lust for savagery...
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...Advertisers use emotions as a tactic to get the general public to react to a certain way. Fear is one of the emotions that receive a high reaction from audience. Fear is used in political in advertising, public health advertising, and commercial advertising causing viewers to take precaution and do what advertisers want them to do. Political ads use fear to perceive a candidate or party as corrupt or incompetent, by dismantling one party it persuades the public to vote or agree with another party’s idea. For Example, in UK’s 2010 General Election the Conservative Party attacks Gordon Brown’s character, by putting and add out with his face that states “I let 80000 criminals out early, vote for me.” This ads tone is very sarcastic and encourages voters to vote for the conservative Party and reject Browns policies on law and order (Walker 2010). The tactic of fear is successful because people do not want criminals on the streets. The problem with the justice system and prisons being “too full” which further fosters the fear in voters. For this particular ad if a parent saw this they would agree because he or she’s best interest is to make sure the household and children are protected. Public Health Advertising informs the public on health concerns in a specific community or area. The most recent public health scare is Ebola entering the United States. The Department of Defense released fliers with information on the infectious disease and asking for people with the symptoms to...
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...pursue pleasure and minimize pain. In his view, since pleasure and pain only exists in the “living world”, there would be neither pleasure nor pain when an individual is dead. Therefore, the state of death should never get worse in terms of that pursuit of pleasure. Human beings tend to fear for the possibility that a situation might get worse, but when something doesn’t get worse there is nothing to be feared. Being dead is motionless, painless and sensationless. When the physical body is no longer functional, there is no conscious. Since all the neurons are dead, there would be no sensation to be felt. The good and the evil lie in in true sensation. Pleasure and pain are derived from a physical or psychological feeling we are, for better or worse, affected by. If there were no feeling, there would be no pain. Fear initially derives from the feeling of pain or imminent discomfort. The state of death possesses neither of those two evils. In a place where evil doesn’t exist, there is nothing to be feared. Epicurus also mentioned how death as the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, because the existence of our consciousness implies that we are not dead, while the status of being dead indicates that we are senseless. Since they are mutually exclusive, death should not dominate as one of our fears. While it is undeniable that death brings no sensation, the argument that should be focused upon is whether fearing death can bring more pleasure overall. One of the reasons why Epicurus...
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...knowledge of being kind nor evil but with a pure state of mind. Not knowing what is right and wrong, virtue can guide people to knowing what is good. But what exactly is virtue? According to Aristotle in the Nicomachean Ethics, virtue is described as neither a feeling nor capacity but a settled state or disposition. It is shown as a state that allows people to aim for what is transitional and also what decides the mean between two practices, one of being overly full and the other being a lack of. A great example of a common virtue would be courage. People usually depict courage as being strong and facing danger without fear. But this common assumption isn’t what true courage is. In reference to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, there are those who appear to be courageous and those who are actual courageous people. Therefore what exactly is a courageous person and how do we distinguish from one to another? Aristotle describes courage in the text through the various principles taken from virtue and examples of those who have a part of what is considered courageous. It starts out with the balance of the mean between fear and confidence. People portray fear as everything that seems bad. They fear all bad things such as bad reputation, poverty, sickness, savage and death but none of these should be a concern for a courageous person. For example, fear of bad reputation is actually considered a normal and fine thing because it’s better to fear reputation than not having any feelings of disgrace...
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...Fear an emotion that drives many people to insanity and disdain. Edgar Allen Poe is a well known Gothic literature author that was capable of introducing fear into his readers imagination through the use of three literary devices those being suspense, symbolism and Gothic elements. In "The Fall of the House of Usher" Poe utilizes suspense in order to bring forth fear in his writing. In the story the narrator states "Vigilae Mortuorum secundum Chorum Ecclesiae Maguntinae...the wild ritual of this work...of preserving[Lady Madeline's] corpse"(Poe 304). Now this embeds suspense into the readers thoughts because they in turn understand that the narrator is also in fear of the insanity his friend is experiencing due to the death of his beloved sister. Later in the story the narrator explains a meeting with Roderick Usher stating "his countenance was...wan...a species of mad hilarity in his eyes... evidently[restraining]hysteria"(306). Suspense is yet again brought into the picture with the narrators explanation of Usher. Roderick is described as...
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...peace and stability that had plagued the Nation from independence in 1960. This situation had its genesis in the geography, history, culture and demography of Nigeria. The war was between the then Eastern Region of Nigeria and the rest of the country. The Eastern Region declared itself an independent state which was regarded as an act of secession by the Federal Military Government of Nigeria. The events leading up to the Nigerian Civil War and the causes are explained by Neorealism through balance of power politics. However Neorealism does not explain the actual purpose and objectives of the war. Evidences backing this are stated below: 1. The political crisis which linked the war could be explained since it was all about a power drive though restoring unity and peace was one of the aims of the war. 2. The secession triggered by the discovery of oil by the easterners and their fear of losing power over it to the northerners(security dilemma) yet another objective of the war was to fight causing limited destruction and little harm so that the economy would not be in a total destruction. 3. Tribal and Regional Tension between the three main tribes in Nigeria as a result of fear of one tribe dominating another and Britain’s wanting to maintain control over their interest in Nigeria also lead to the war while the war was still aimed at abolishing slavery(freeing the nation). (M.Abubakar, “The Nigerian Civil War,” Nigerian History, vol. 5. No .8., 1980. Neorealism...
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...peace and stability that had plagued the Nation from independence in 1960. This situation had its genesis in the geography, history, culture and demography of Nigeria. The war was between the then Eastern Region of Nigeria and the rest of the country. The Eastern Region declared itself an independent state which was regarded as an act of secession by the Federal Military Government of Nigeria. The events leading up to the Nigerian Civil War and the causes are explained by Neorealism through balance of power politics. However Neorealism does not explain the actual purpose and objectives of the war. Evidences backing this are stated below: 1. The political crisis which linked the war could be explained since it was all about a power drive though restoring unity and peace was one of the aims of the war. 2. The secession triggered by the discovery of oil by the easterners and their fear of losing power over it to the northerners(security dilemma) yet another objective of the war was to fight causing limited destruction and little harm so that the economy would not be in a total destruction. 3. Tribal and Regional Tension between the three main tribes in Nigeria as a result of fear of one tribe dominating another and Britain’s wanting to maintain control over their interest in Nigeria also lead to the war while the war was still aimed at abolishing slavery(freeing the nation). (M.Abubakar, “The Nigerian Civil War,” Nigerian History, vol. 5. No .8., 1980. Neorealism...
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...DATE \@ "d MMMM y" 20 September 2015 A Fear of Democracy Runs Through Liberalism A2 Political Theory A fear of Democracy runs through Liberalism. Do Liberal individuals fear the hand of the state and the will of the people? Are Liberals fearful of what the ruling majority may impose on them or are they perfectly happy bending the knee to the authority of the state and the decisions of the masses, if only to preserve their own civil liberties and rights? To assess if this is the case or not we must first understand a rather complicated question; what is Liberalism? Liberalism can be traced back to the decline of Feudalism in the 18th Century and the revolutions of both France (1789) and the USA (1765) where we saw two states try to shake off the ruling class and enter a new era of enlightenment where there was, generally, consensus ruling. Liberalism then comes to the fore front of Political thinking around the period of the Industrial Revolution in Britain and Europe in the 19th Century which led to many people rising through the ranks and creating a form of social mobility linked with Liberal ideas of self rule and governance. It’s this Industrial Revolution period where we see Liberalism take it’s first form - what we now call classical Liberalism. Classical Liberals believe in the idea of negative freedoms where by each person is able to both thrive and fail in society, this goes hand in hand with the idea of maintaining state intervention to a minimal, laissez faire...
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...2015 DBQ – Cold War and Eisenhower’s Success in Addressing Hysteria Following WWII, there was a large degree of tension between the United States of America (US) and the Soviet Union (USSR). The powerful countries had conflicting political philosophies and plans for the post-war world. The US promoted democracy and self-determination, the belief that war-torn countries should have a right to determine their means of rebuilding, while the USSR looked to expand their spheres of influence by making more countries communist. As a result of different ideologies and plans, the countries began to mistrust one another. Americans began to fear that communism would spread throughout weak...
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...is there a fear of immigrants in the united states? Many people can formulate an answer to why it is fear. But if we are all human beings, why is there a fear? To subside the fear of immigrants, I propose to create Foreign Support Centers in Foreign countries and the united states that teach immigrants how to become a united states citizen and the united states history. This proposal is beneficial because it would increase citizenship, produce diversity, and create connections between the united states and other countries. To begin with, I propose to create Foreign Support Centers in foreign countries and the united states that teach immigrants how to become a united states citizen and the united states history because it would increase...
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...From the Truman Doctrine to the Bush Doctrine | Contemporary History | | An overview and comparative analysis of two decisive American foreign policy doctrines breed from fear that impacted the world. | Fear and the reaction to it has been a driving force throughout human evolution, it has helped shape both our physical and social development. Fear and the reaction to it in politics, has helped create and shape everything from our borders and languages, to our technology and religion. At its very best it serves as a common uniting factor that all people share. At its worst it has lead to some of our greatest wars. The Truman and Bush Doctrines are two such policy sets rooted in fears that helped shape the world we know today. On the 12th of March 1947, then President Harry S. Truman addressed a joint session of Congress requesting $400 million in military funding and other foreign aid to support the struggling nations of Turkey and Greece. Truman implored Congress to act quickly to provide aid and support to both nations. Truman described the current state of affairs in Greece as an environment of “political chaos” and that its internal security and very survival were threatened by “terrorist activities of several thousand armed men, led by Communists…” (Truman, 1947) In this speech lay the foundation for the resulting Cold War, and idea that the spread of Communism should be halted and contained. With further analysis of this same speech one can also locate early...
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...“We have nothing to fear, but fear itself” (Franklin Roosevelt). Society has evolved into a set of mind that believes that fear is considered a sign of weakness. Being afraid of the dark does not mean you’re scared of the absence of light but simply that you fear the unknown that hides within the dark that your eyes fail to observe. Scientist have developed several theories that contradict between the both, one states that fear is something we’re born with, something inevitable to our survival. While the other states that our phobias are made by our daily life actions and events, and we should overcome them in order for us to prevent our terrors to become a weakness. Being afraid of something can mean that you are facing a superior force in which you feel inferior to. Knowing you’re facing something bigger and more powerful can trigger that effect on your body and mind to try to abstain away from danger. One great example of fear is the one they instituted in North Korea. This nation is a ‘’population mind control by fear’’ (psyche truth). Despite the terrible and horrible living conditions, the North Korean people have never protested against their communist government. If you’re accused of political dissension the military will take you and your family into a labor camp, in which you will endure hard labor until the day of your death. They will never protest because they fear that 3 generations will be doomed to death (psyche truth). Another example of a group controlling...
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...innocent lives. I think they are right” (Schonebaum 55). The Death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is an act where the state condemns a criminal to death for committing an atrocious crime. The death penalty has been a method of crime deterrence for centuries for most countries, creating fear in the hearts of criminals. However in our modern era the death penalty has been irrelevant and seemingly...
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