...Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric with racialized nationalism and the role of media in shaping public attitudes toward immigration in the United States. This research seeks to answer the following question: How does the immigration discourse articulated by Trump through racial and nationalist lenses become magnified in media representations, and what does this have to do with political polarization and public opinion? Based on the comprehensive review of prior literature, this research explores how Trump's rhetoric on immigration has perpetuated a racialized, exclusionary political discourse that shapes both public attitudes and partisan alignments. By means of selective exposure...
Words: 4518 - Pages: 19
...newspaper article that I found online, written by Daniel Shoer Roth of the Miami Herald newspaper, shows his research on the subject of police brutality towards immigrants/refugees. it also shows some of his personal outlooks on the topic along with some views of some of the citizens in Miami that he interviewed. he talks on a national and local level about , biased policing, unconstitutional searches and seizures and the use of excessive force when dealing with ethnic groups. many cases have been documented in Miami-Dade County in which DEA agents and local police officers have arrested U.S. citizens with foreign last names to interrogate them about their citizenship. Foreigners are required to carry immigration papers, green cards, at all times. But natural born U.S. citizens are not required to carry papers proving citizenship. local police departments deny having policies that encourage the harassment of immigrants, but these attacks show how law-enforcement policies are not entirely respected by the officers. The enforcement program, Secure Communities, is sometimes considered a useless tool in bringing out dangerous foreign criminals, also gives full power to criminals and gives them power to commit abuse against our community. It also endangers any legal American who may be a victim of a crime witnessed by an immigrant/refugee who is scared of reporting it for fear of deportation.The program promotes racial profiling of any person who would fit the stereotypical look of...
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...Political parties are formed around a platform of their ideas, views and goals as a party. This paper is focused on Radical Right Parties; whose policies are considered extremist. According to Powell (1986, p. 359), an extremist party “represents a demand for major transformation of the society, either towards some future vision or back to an idealized past. Such demands diverge from the general, current policy consensus.” According to this definition, the new radical right can in most instances be considered examples of extremist parties. Radical right parties either focus on a change towards a future vision or backwards towards their idealized past. This type of party is defined by its development in response to supposed threats against...
Words: 1952 - Pages: 8
...Illegal Immigration Introduction The relationship between illegal immigration and crime is an extremely controversial and politically fueled issue. Both immigrations and crime are perceived as threats to public safety and illegal immigrants are easy targets for blame by society. This holds true in he City of Costa Mesa and in Orange County as a whole. Specifically, the Costa Mesa Police Department and the Orange County Sheriff Office has implemented policy to check the immigration status of individuals arrested for serious crimes. This policy has an affect, most notably, on the large Hispanic community living in Costa Mesa and the greater Orange County area. Many community social services agencies are caught in the middle of this politically sensitive issue, as they provide services to residents, many illegal immigrants. This social welfare policy has created a great divide between many within the community and society as a whole. Immigration has become a major issue in both national and local politics with many political officials taking both sides of the issues. Republicans and democrats are split on this issue, which has become embedded in the fight for terrorism. A effort to protect this country from future attacks from terrorist has translated to a local level of enforcing immigration laws. In an effort to decrease criminal activity in local communities, Costa Mesa and Orange County officials has taken on the issue of illegal immigration in their communities...
Words: 2990 - Pages: 12
...nationalism, and the role of media in shaping public attitudes toward immigration in the United States. The research addresses the question: How has Trump?s immigration discourse, framed through racial and nationalist lenses, been amplified by media representations, and what are the implications for political polarization and public opinion? Drawing on a comprehensive review of existing literature, the study investigates how Trump?s rhetoric on immigration has contributed to a racialized, exclusionary political discourse that impacts both public attitudes and partisan alignments. Through analyzing media framing, including selective exposure...
Words: 4765 - Pages: 20
...Many immigrants come to the United States for a better future for their families and themselves, but not knowing the difficulties they must face crossing the border to get here first. Immigrants know it is not an easy thing to do migrating to the United States because it is not that simple as getting on a plane and heading over here. They must face many challenges and risks crossing the border without getting caught or killed. Once they finally get here (the ones that survive) they realize the danger is not over, but it just beginning. Immigrants that migrate to the United States in pursue of a better life for their families and themselves, but face the first challenge even before crossing the border, which is leaving their families behind. “When men and women immigrate illegally to the United States, they often leave much more than a town and a country. They leave fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, sons and daughters. The children sometimes grow up not knowing their parents — and sometimes never seeing them again. In some cases, they come to resent the parent who isn’t there at Christmas or on their birthday or to tuck them in at night.” (Trevizo) leaving family behind is the most difficult thing for a parent because you do not know if you will die trying to cross the border or how long it will take to be reunited with the ones you love. They have to say goodbye to their love ones like if it is the last time he or she will see them again. Immigrants pay money to be...
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...The Mexican American group discussed the pros and cons of ratifying the Mexican Dream Act, which the issues of young people who graduated from our high schools and grew up in the United States but whose future is in jeopardy by current immigration laws. Their presentations raised several questions for me, ones especially involving these immigrant parents. I was wondering that when these children apply would it jeopardize the safety of their parents. For instance, is the address that they put down on paper confidential or will be used to track the location of their parents? If this and other similar examples were the case, then that would deter many in fear of losing their family. Their parents may also be unwilling to help their children in fear of jeopardizing their hidden status. Although I have been interested in researching the gaps in higher education of Latinos, in particular Mexican-Americans versus Cubans, this was the first time hearing of the DREAM Act. Even though my research paper involves second-generation immigrant children, I feel that the dream act would force some education reforms in the United States. Otherwise, as they said in the presentation, the US will fall behind other countries due to a significant part our population not attending higher levels of education...
Words: 461 - Pages: 2
...Reaction Paper Michael Vandiver Soc/315 July 7, 2015 Anita Westbrook Media Reaction Paper Hispanic immigrants are handy scapegoats for the problems in local communities, from crime to overcrowded schools. Even legal immigrants are victims of this mindset, in spite of immigration not being the root cause or even a major factor in any of the issues. Immigration has always been an issue. Those making up the majority of the population are all immigrants from other nations, having descended from those who immigrated here over the course of the last 400 years. Some of the areas in which Hispanic immigrants are most numerous were at one point the property of the Hispanic nation of Mexico. Immigrants built this country, and certain segments of the immigrants have always been accused of ruining this country. Recently, Arizona passed a law, SB 1070, which requires the police to question the legal status of those they suspect are undocumented immigrants. Additionally, it sets the official immigration police as ‘attrition through enforcement’, stating that they intend to be so harsh that immigrants flee in fear. (Martinez, 2011). Currently, the law is on hold due to challenges by the US Department of Justice for usurping federal jurisdiction on immigration. However, the law has set a horrid precedent, one that has resulted in boycotts that are costing Arizona more than $330 million dollars over the next two to three years. (Martinez, 2011). Similar anti-immigration campaigns...
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...Media Reaction Paper Jennifer Dockery SOC/315 9/5/2011 Shannon Burke, MA Media Reaction Paper Hispanic immigrants are handy scapegoats for the problems in local communities, from crime to overcrowded schools. Even legal immigrants are victims of this mindset, in spite of immigration not being the root cause or even a major factor in any of the issues. Immigration has always been an issue. Those making up the majority of the population are all immigrants from other nations, having descended from those who immigrated here over the course of the last 400 years. Some of the areas in which Hispanic immigrants are most numerous were at one point the property of the Hispanic nation of Mexico. Immigrants built this country, and certain segments of the immigrants have always been accused of ruining this country. Recently, Arizona passed a law, SB 1070, which requires the police to question the legal status of those they suspect are undocumented immigrants. Additionally, it sets the official immigration police as ‘attrition through enforcement’, stating that they intend to be so harsh that immigrants flee in fear. (Martinez, 2011). Currently, the law is on hold due to challenges by the US Department of Justice for usurping federal jurisdiction on immigration. However, the law has set a horrid precedent, one that has resulted in boycotts that are costing Arizona more than $330 million dollars over the next two to three years. (Martinez, 2011)...
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...Show me your papers For the past two years, the state of Arizona has been causing a huge controversy that arose due to the enactment of the Senate Bill 1070, known as the Arizona law. This arguable state law gives the right to police officers to attain immigrants and take them into custody during lawful contact if they are found to not be carrying legal documents to prove that they are rightful immigrants of the United States. The Arizona law has caused a stir, as immigrants feel that they are not being treated fairly as other citizens and harshly targeted. Despite this, the Arizona law is a privilege to the state, for it gives a hand to the federal government when dealing with crimes affiliated with illegal immigration. Many senators and representatives of the state of Arizona support this law in order to guard citizens and lawful residents against vicious crimes that could be committed by illegal immigrants. According to John C. Eastman the state of Arizona has been challenged by crucial illegal immigration problems even before the passing of SB1070. These problems include the increased rate of drug usage, human-smuggling, unlawful transportation of those aliens, and huge numbers of illegal immigrants being captured at the Arizona-Mexico border. CBS news reported that “Forty-five percent of all immigrant arrests by U.S. Customs and Border Protection are made in Arizona, and smugglers use Phoenix as a hub for moving illegal immigrants across the country.” Further, Governor...
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...are “Sanctuary Cities”? Research Paper Elizabeth Walker 7/16/2015 Do you know exactly what “Sanctuary Cities” are? Well up until a few weeks ago, not very many people did. On July 1, a young woman by the name of Kathryn Steinle, was gunned down by an undocumented immigrant. Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, was a convicted felon that had been deported five times. Because of San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy, Lopez-Sanchez, was released from jail and was never handed over to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which could have prevented a young woman’s death. This tragedy sparked a nationwide controversy on the issue of “Sanctuary Cities”. Immigration rights activists and many Democrats are standing firm that these safe havens, as they call them, for illegal immigrants are a vital part to the community. While others, mostly Republicans, say that there should be no sanctuary for illegals at all. Governor Rick Perry is one of these republicans that is calling for federal funding to be pulled from any city that supports the “Sanctuary City” policy. (Mutnik, 2015, para. 1) Immigration rights activists and some democrats believe that by having these sanctuaries, illegal immigrants will be more willing to cooperate with local authorities because it removes the fear of deportation. (Marcos & Lillis, 2015, para. 8) Even after the death of an innocent young woman, that could have been easily prevented if the laws had been enforced, immigration activists and democrats...
Words: 504 - Pages: 3
...Argumentative Research Paper Preventing immigration because of nationalism and racism is a violation of human rights. Immigration has become the topic of many legal and political discussions. Not a very long time ago, approximately 80 years, some countries, because of their nationalist and racist ideologies tried to stop immigration and even implemented racial cleansing, while others defended immigrant rights against the ideas of pure-blood and xenophobic insanity. Actually this case has not closed yet. The majority of governments still refuse to accept immigration as a human right. Standards for immigrants are generally very poor; they do not share the equal rights of the citizens of the country. While some countries have some laws and regulations to solve this problem, generally most nations are not welcoming of immigrants. Preventing immigration because of nationalism and racism is a violation of human rights. Xenophobia is a fear of anything or anyone that is strange or unknown. Many nations’ immigration policies are based upon xenophobia, and this has come to inform policies and attitudes of nationalism. Jeong (2013) defines nationalism “as a feeling of superiority and contempt for foreigners’’ and in his study he describes the effects of national feelings on immigration. Jeong claims there is a connection between restricted immigration and high levels of nationalism. For instance, many US citizens have concerns about whether there will be anyone called “American”...
Words: 1087 - Pages: 5
...focus of this final project is the Department of Immigration Services of Kenya (DISK). It is a department under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Interior and Coordination of the National Government; responsible for registering and maintaining of an all-encompassing population register, managing migration of people, control of borders and supervising the welfare of refugees in Kenya. DISK is responsible for facilitating international travel and regulating citizenship, residency, entry and exit in Kenya. This paper describes the history and set up of DISK and highlights corruption and unethical practices that subsists within the department, consequently presenting a threat to social justice and economic development in Kenya. The paper introduces the findings of an examination on systems, policies, procedures and practices that promote corrupt practices at the DISK, conducted by Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (KACC), an agency mandated by the Government of Kenya (GOK) to ensure that public resources in Kenya are managed through prudent and transparent systems. The paper also draws comparisons between corrupt and unethical practices as viewed by local Kenyans Vis-a Vis the views of corruption in the eyes of Western countries. We have also compared Kenyan corruption index against other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and developed countries as reported by Transparency International Corruption Perception Index 2014. Finally the paper recommends on ways to mitigate the impacts of these...
Words: 4024 - Pages: 17
...of Life To begin, it goes without saying that the topic of immigration in the United States has been a very controversial topic for quite some time. During this week’s readings, I found myself weighing both the pros and the cons of immigration reform and trying to decide which side of the spectrum I fall when considering whether third world immigration is in fact, a threat to America’s way of life. My initial gut reaction was that I would not oppose immigration and do not find it threatening to America’s way of life. This initial decision was conducted before completing the readings and I found my decision was based on the fact that I did not want to be considered a “racist” or discriminatory in any way. Also, as I have mentioned in one of my previous discussions, both my parents immigrated to the United States from Cuba during the “freedom flights” in the mid-sixties. My grandparents brought came to this country along with my parents for opportunity and to escape the tyrannous and communist leader, Fidel Castro who had just taken over. I immediately thought that without immigration, my parents would have never come to this country and who knows, maybe I wouldn’t even exist to write this paper! Then, the words of Peter Brimelow caught my attention in the section of “What About My Grandfather?”, Brimelow writes: “Many Americans have difficulty thinking about immigration restriction because of the lurking fear: This would have kept my grandfather out...but it must also be stressed...
Words: 1109 - Pages: 5
...Research Paper Notes Many immigrants flock to prosperous nations such as the United States in search of a better life. Millions of immigrants come to the U.S. without following the proper immigration laws. The immigrants either immigrate illegally by crossing the borders or they enter legally but overstay their visas. Because of illegal immigration and the amount of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. we are in desperate need of Immigration Reform, not to deport them but to make them citizens. To become a citizen they must pay a fine and learn how to speak English. The following are some of the ideas of Immigration Reform: Border Protection: Increase border protection by adding more border agents, fencing, vehicle barriers, and...
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