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Women's Rights: Should Women Get Paid?

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Words 1738
Pages 7
Supriya Rawal
Mr. Ramirez
English 11
25 May 2018
Women’s Rights How would you feel when you work all day without taking rest just like the other workers, but at the end of the day you get paid 25% less than what other workers get? Do you think it is fair? Or do you think it is totally fair to get paid less than other workers exception of how much hard one worked? Well, women have been dealing with this meaningless and unfair treatment for the longest time. Throughout history women had to fight for everything they wanted to do. Whether it was just being an ordinary person who wants to be outside of the house to do work or just prioritizing their own body. Women had to fight in order to be treated as equal member of society, get educations, own property, divorce, and equal pay and jobs. Moreover, women are not paid equally as men for the same work they do, therefore the government should incorporate women’s right in regards to salary and equal payment so that women won't find it difficult to advance due to sexism and family obligation. Government should incorporate women’s right in regard to salary. Whether its men or women, they both start and end work at the same time and also given the same amount of work. The only difference is women get paid less. To show evidence in Points of view Reference center Women’s Rights: An Overview by Pilar Quezzaire mentioned, “In September 2015, the US Census Bureau released its findings that women working full time still only made 78.6 …show more content…
However I believe that it actually should be actually done instead of just being a talk. Women from America or Asia, all of them are being treated unequally compare to men. Not only, they were paid less than men, they were also pressure by family obligations and sexism. The only solution to it is to keep fighting for it like women in the past did to accomplish women’s

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