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Minority Women In Minorities

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Women In Minorities Women have been treated differently than men for the longest time, that history has shown. This global issue seems to be deflected from the news, allowing the focus to be framed somewhere else.Women in minorities have struggled for many hundreds of years to have health care, jobs, and basic human rights, and attention needs to be brought to these women so the world can see that change needs to happen. Minority women particularly have more difficulty receiving health care or at least affordable health care. Healthcare allows women to have regular Gynecologist appointments and be provided with free birth control. For example, under the Trump Administration, it is now not required that an employer provides birth control …show more content…
When it comes to minority women it is particularly more difficult for them to get the same job a white women would be able to get. Employer tend to not realize until they are only hiring majority groups because when looking for new employees they go by standards that have been set in the past. Donald Tomaskovic-Devey published, “Employers, like everyone else, tend to use pre-existing cultural categories such as sex or race to organize and interpret information. These cognitive processes can lead to more favorable evaluations and outcomes for high status individuals (males, majority race) and lower evaluations for others (women, minorities).” (Tomaskovic-Devey) In, “Discrimination, Wage, By Occupations”. Women in minorities can still get jobs, but high status individuals are usually first picks. These women can also struggle with getting paid equally or having a pretty large wage gap. Donald also writes, “Wage discrimination refers to paying women, minorities, or other culturally subordinate individuals lower wages than comparably skilled men, whites, or other privileged groups. This can happen when women or minorities are hired or promoted into lower-paying jobs, or when they are paid less for performing the same work in the same workplace.” (Tomaskovic-Devey) Many women and minorities will be hired for the same job has the white man, but since they are a part of that minority, they will get paid less and …show more content…
One proposed idea is to require education of the public, world-wide. Education of the public could help greatly by giving the world, one grand reality check. Much of the world doesn't know or understand what is going on outside of their neighborhoods. Another idea that can be proposed, regulations that require employers to have a certain amount of diverse women. It is hard to have regulations introduced, but with the right amount of support it could happen. For realistic proposes, the better idea would be to educate the public. One way we could educate is by holding free seminar meetings for people who want to be advocates for the

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Equality in the Workplacee

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