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The Role of Women and Minorities, Criminal Justice


Submitted By dmgarner2
Words 470
Pages 2
Write a 200- to 300-word response addressing the following questions:
 Throughout policing history, what has been the role of women and minorities?
 How has the role of women and minorities changed over time?
 How has this role change affected modern policing agencies?
 What comparisons can you make regarding the criteria for women police recruits and men police recruits?

Throughout policing history the role of women and minorities were hired to police their own group of people and both were segregated within their departments. Both groups had to have higher qualifications than their white male counterparts did. One of the necessities for black males was a college education but both minority males and women were not allowed to be promoted farther than the rank of police officer. They seldom were considered for any special assignments unless that assignment dealt with their race and it was felt that they could be helpful for that type of case. Throughout history, policing in America is closely tied to local political shifts; therefore, the minorities and women positions were based on who was in office. Minorities and all women would be hired when local politicians felt that there was a need and they would be fired when new politicians took office.
Over time, with the help of social changes and legal mandates minorities and women entered law enforcement in record numbers. Woman continues to leave their mark on the criminal justice system. Today, the attitudes of the police department are changing; however, there continue to be problems in the workplace for women. Even though women are as effective in some things and more effective in others than their male counterpart, the hiring practices are still uneven. The selection processes and the recruitment policies has kept the number of women low and often the test that leans more to upper body

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