Premium Essay

Minorities and Women in Wwii


Submitted By hagafadasa
Words 1506
Pages 7
Minorities and Women in WWII

Considering the accomplishments the first world war has bought to the U.S., America saw the second world war as another window to gain a momentous boost in the economy. While there was noticeable growing tension between Asia and Europe (tension among Japan in Asia and Hitler to Europe), America underwent a fairly occurring normal life seeing the economy relax from its depressed state. To prevent themselves from getting dragged into another war, they realized that they had to adapt from their actions of WWI; they discovered through investigations that it was weapon manufacturing that drove them into the war. The U.S. responded accordingly with a more proper response of passing acts cut weapon trade with war countries, which were a series of laws specifically called the Neutrality Acts. They did not sell arms, loans, and had no business with war countries whatsoever. The key idea to not get involved with other foreign countries was isolationism.
During the time, however, problems still existed in terms with racial inequalities and where women belong. They were ignored to some extent; women were still out of the picture as they were seen inferior which still also applies to African Americans who are still segregated. As the U.S. struggled through the Great Depression, minority rights were not addressed even in Roosevelt's New Deal. Positive changes were bought to American nationality during WWII, but even in the end certain groups still struggled for acknowledgment as there were limits. The benefits of WWII were contradictory; Ethnic minorities and women would witness the war to only be a relaxing period, only to realize they were forced to their old ways or even into worse problems after the war was over.
As soon as the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor as a response to the American embargo, the U.S. transitioned quickly into mobilization

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