...Ethan Glass William James Ethan Glass Professor Earley Introduction to Religion 1 May 2013 William James 1.) How does the theorist define religion? James often defines religion through supernatural experiences. He believes that religion has an active and significant role in these experiences. With that being said, James refuses to place a single definition of the term ‘religion.’ Due to the fact that there are so many different personal experiences, expectations, and beliefs associated with religion, James believes that it would be wrong to define religion in a typical “dictionary” way. Instead of defining religion, James breaks it into two parts, institutional and personal. The institutional branch refers to the Church and like institutions, the written code of the religion, and the idea of a ‘divine’. The personal focuses on the beliefs and experiences of a person. In this writing James ignores the institutional aspect because he does not want to discuss God. Before there was God and written religion, there had to be personal beliefs; therefore, James argues that the personal branch of religion is more important to study when focusing on the fundamentals and basics of religion. James states that religion can be anything, morally, physically, or ritually engaging, as long as it has emotional ties to a person, in the sector of institutional religion everything has a strict definition. James questions who can truly define the idea of ‘divine’ in a general manner. He...
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...Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion The Mystical Within An Embodied Experience The term ‘religion’ has come to mean a wide variety of things over the years. It has ranged from “a statement of faith” (Gill, 968) to an element constructed to justify a human need for purpose in life. In the most distinguished writers of philosophy, religion, anthropology and psychology, the interpretations of religion and it forces within society, vary as much as their individual specialization fields. Thinkers have always had something to say about the experiences believers encounter when they immerse themselves in their deep-rooted belief systems. They reiterate, agree with, reject, and even propagate the theses brought forth by both past thinkers and their own contemporaries. In the writings of Friedrich Schleiermacher, Rudolf Otto, William James, Richard King, and Alan Cole, the view of how individuals and groups make religion an experience they embody through their actions both individually and as a result of the mystical aspects within the religion, is discussed expansively. These thoughts have led to deeply analytical observations of religious followers who allow themselves to have a more intimate embodied experience within their beliefs. In the writings of Friedrich Schleiermacher and William James, both philosophers, important observations referring to the mystical essence of religion were established. These thinkers were revolutionizing the way people thought about the religious...
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...William James was a philosopher and psychologist from New York City.In the book ‘the varieties of religious experience’, James concluded that religious experience testifies that “we can experience union with something larger that ourselves and in that union find our greatest peace”. He defined such experiences as “experiences of the divine” and believed that religious experience was at the heart of religion, true religion unlike religious teachings, practices and attitudes as these, for James are ‘second hand’ religion which later develops as individuals reflect on their common experience. It is the actual experience which points to God. However this theory does little to prove religious experiences simply because many of his claims do not stand up to critical analysis. James looked at a variety of religious experiences, particularly mystical experiences, this refers to experiences where God is revealed directly and there is a sense of oneness with the divine. James claimed that there are 4 criteria which are all characteristics of mystical experiences. Firstly an experience has to be ineffable, meaning that it is beyond proper description as it cannot adequately be described in words, language limitations prevent description. It also must be noetic, not just feelings but however the experience gives you a deep and direct knowledge of God which could not have been achieved through reason alone. Another criteria of mystical experience is that it must be transient, the experience...
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...sciences? What implications, if any, does this have for religion? Due to recent developments in the natural sciences fields of cosmology and biology the information suggests that the theistic worldview is easily reinforced through the Anthropic Cosmological Principle. The cosmological principle states that strengths of controlling forces of nature are determined by constants in nature (McGrath, 2010). In the cosmological principle we see through a series of fine structures life as we know it depends on physical constants and out of these constants there is the fine structure constant, gravitational fine structure constant and...
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...Essay on research questions: What is missiology and the basic details of missiology? It must be stressed early in this piece of work that the topic of missiology has been a much discussed concept. Even in theological colleges, administrators find it difficult to departmentalize it. Some colleges have regarded it as course under the ministry department while others saw it as one under the theology department. Others have gone beyond to see it as department on its own. This uncertainty if I may put it, speaks of missiology as an interdisciplinary subject that needs great attention in dealing with it. This piece of work attempts to research into the competing definitions of missiology at the same time draw basic elements that any missiological models. My choice of these questions is primarily based on the notion that any definition of missiology should also reflect the basic elements of the missiological model. Missiology is the academic discipline or science which researches, records and applies data relating to the biblical origin, history (including the use of documentary materials), anthropological principles, techniques and the theological base of the Christian mission (Tippet 1987, xiii). If this as Tippet puts it, then the theology, methodology and data bank as a church are particularly directed towards: 1. The processes by which the Christian message is communicated, 2. The encounters brought about by its proclamation to non-Christians, 3. The planting of the church...
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...| |What is the page number for the entry for the American (USA) periodical Arizona |Press Guide. | | |Gourmet Living? | | | |Who is the editor? |The editor of the Arizona Gourmet Living is Karrie | | |How often is it published? |Wellborn; it published quarterly and has a circulation | | |What is its circulation figure? |figure of 35,000. | | | | | | |Find a reference book by Janine Gibson (2007) in the library. |The title of the reference book by Janine Gibson is The | | |What is the title and shelf number for this book? |Media Directory. | | |Which national radio station had the highest listening figures for the second | | | |quarter of 2006? ...
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...Baptist Theological Seminary An Exegetical Paper of James 2:18-26 Submitted to Professor Dr. Steve Waechter In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course “Greek Language Tools” – NGRK505 By Steven B. Darden Burleson, TX March 8, 2015 Contents Introduction 4 Context 5 Historical-Cultural Context 5 Literary Context 6 Analysis of Text 7 James 2:18-19: Objections to False Faith 7 James 2:20-24: Examples of Faith 9 Verses 2:25-26: Rahab 11 Conclusion 11 Appendix A: Block Diagram of James 2:18-26 Using the ESV Bible 13 Introduction Throughout the history of the Bible, few words have had more controversy than the words, faith, works, and justification. James’ uses a powerful interrogative to pose the rhetorical question about helping those in need. However, James’ apparent statement concerning these acts has led many to argue that “good works” equals “faith”. Paul expounds on the belief that justification is produced solely by faith in Jesus Christ. James makes a statement in 2:16-26 that many people believe rationalizes faith as equal with good deeds. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the context and to provide a thorough exegesis of the passage of scripture located in James 2:16-26. James’s use a type of koine Greek that indicates an educated writer with a greater than average familiarity with the language of that era’s culture. While doubtful a scholar, the writer of James, none the less, describes a faith that is exemplified...
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...DEVELOPING CORE VALUES IN STRATEGIC PLANNING A Paper Presented to Dr. Rusty Ricketson Luther Rice University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course LD 515 Principles of Strategic Planning by James C. Harvey Jr. GC6316 OUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION II. DEVELOPING CORE VALUES IN STRATEGIC PLANNING III. CONCLUSION IV. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION This is an initial paper in which selected aspects of the literature will be examined to address a few of the tenets that are needed in the development of core values. There are many clear or apparent needs in the development of core values, but one of those needs may be singled out depending on the author’s point of view. This paper will examine a few of the tenets that are involved in the development of core values according to the different methods of authors. One of the basics that will be needed in the development of core values in any organization is a bedrock philosophy. As early as 1978, Ouchi and Price were extolling the benefits of orga-nizational philosophy. "The clarity and the widespread acceptance of an organizational philosophy," they wrote, "most clearly separates the Type Z from the Type A orga- nization" (Ouchi and Price 1993, 68). They went on to note that most large Japanese organizations possess a philoso- phy and that many Japanese leaders regarded as vitally ...
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...The Ohio State University, History Dept. Colonial Virginia’s Culture during the French and Indian War: 1755-1756 John Rodock History 3011 Emily Arendt Due May 22, 2014 Introduction This research paper contains an analysis of the culture in the colony of Virginia over the whole year of 1755 and beginning of 1756. Most of the research drew upon weekly issues of the Virginia Gazette, the only printed newspaper in the colony at that time. Three dimensions of culture were explored: Virginia’s involvement in the French and Indian War (which was beginning right around 1755), Virginia’s economy, and its religious affiliations. A section on colonists’ relations with Native Americans was also written, of which The Virginia Gazette gave detailed insights and accounts, but due to the page limit of the assignment, the section was omitted. Involvement in the French and Indian War In 1730, the population of the Virginia colony was about 114,000. The next 20 years saw an explosion of growth in population due to the increasing demand of indentured servants needed on plantations. Also, Governor Spotswood encouraged immigration to the outskirts of Virginia in the hopes that immigrant townships could alert Virginia’s ports of any possible attacks from Native Americans before their arrival. By the time the French and Indian War had begun, Virginia’s population had climbed to just under 300,000 (Virginia History...
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...Social Mobility Paper Willie J. Williams Jr. University of Phoenix/Sociology 100 Becky Russell December 14, 2009 “Introduction” Citizens can move up or down the social ladder throughout their existence or from one generation to the next. Everyone is offered the same chance and opportunity at improving their lives socially and the way each generation handles adversity lies behind the idea of equal opportunity and how you utilize your god giving talents. Social Mobility Social Mobility is measure in one by seeing whether rich parents give birth to rich kids and poor parents give birth to poor kids, or see if the incomes of parents and their children are distinct. Can children of poor parents become rich? It looks as though the American Dream is far more likely to remain a mirage for Americans than it is for citizens residing in other countries. A larger disparity of results seems to make it effortless for wealthy parents to leave their advantages. While income differences have expanded in the USA as well as Britain, social mobility has slowed up. Bigger incomes contrasts can make it tougher to attain opportunity fairness because they amplify social class segregation and possibly bigotry. Willie James Williams Sr. Willie James Williams Sr.; born the 3rd child of Frank and Alma Williams on the 4th of July, 1939. He didn’t get to know his father like most sons do, because his father was killed on the train tracks of Sylacauga, Alabama. The cause of death was stated in a report...
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...In the book ‘the varieties of religious experience’, James concluded that religious experience testifies that “we can experience union with something larger than ourselves and in that union find our greatest peace”. He defined such experiences as “experiences of the divine” and believed that religious experience was at the heart of religion. For James, religious teachings, practices and attitudes are second hand religion, which later develop as individuals reflect on their common experience. It is the actual experiences that directly point to God. However this theory does little to prove religious experiences simply because many of his claims do not stand up to critical analysis. James looked at a variety of religious experiences, particularly mystical experiences. This refers to experiences where God is revealed directly and there is a sense of oneness with the divine. James claimed that there are four criteria which are all characteristics of mystical experiences. Firstly an experience has to be ineffable, in that it is beyond proper description as it cannot adequately be described in words. It must also be noetic. James said that mystical states are not just feelings, but rather the experience gives the mystic a deep and direct knowledge of God. Another criteria of mystical experiences is that it must be transient. Although the experiences effects may last a long time, the experience is temporary and cannot be sustained. Lastly, it must be passive, meaning the experience...
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... Capitol College Abstract This paper attempts to compare and contrast the differing definitions of critical thinking as defined by various writers on different publications. It appears that no matter how critical thinking is defined, the same components are standard, and the conclusions are somewhat similar and hold true. A true definition of critical thinking is by no feat an easy task. It is a complex and controversial notion difficult to define and also to study. Many definitions have been proposed by several experts. One high profile definition states, “We understand critical thinking to be purposeful, self regulatory judgment which results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference, as well as explanation of the evidential, conceptual, methodological, criteriological, or contextual considerations upon which that judgment is based ….. The ideal critical thinker is habitually inquisitive, well informed, trustful of reason, open minded, flexible, fair minded in evaluation, honest in facing personal biases, prudent in making judgments, willing to reconsider and persistent in seeking results which are as precise as the subject and the circumstances of inquiry permit.” (Facione, 1990a, p.3). As can be seen from the all encompassing definition a lot goes into determining the meaning of Critical Thought. Differing definitions of critical thought To give a definition of critical thought...
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...Parallels Interlinear Testaments Digital Bibles Dictionaries Atlases III. Textual Analysis Concordances Lexicons and Wordbooks Lexicons Wordbooks IV. Analysis by Others Online Catalog Commentaries Journal Articles V. Steps for Word Study Old Testament New Testament Page 2 2 2 3-6 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7-8 7 7 8 8 9-10 9 9 10 11-12 11 12 I. Overview Exegetical Steps Exegesis - the process by which one comes to understand a text These are the typical steps involved in an exegesis; your professor’s instructions for your exegetical paper may include a variation of them. A. Establish or orient the context of the pericope in the Biblical book as a whole - a translation from the original Greek or Hebrew may be required - read the text in several different English versions B. Examine the historical context or setting C. Analyze the text - Literary analysis (what type of literature is it?) - Textual analysis (to reconstruct the precise words of the original writer) - Grammatical analysis (classify words by their part of speech) - Lexical analysis (determine meaning(s) of the words) D. Critical analysis: employing various critical methods to ask questions of the texts, ex.: - Canonical - Reader-Response - Form - Redaction - Historical - Rhetorical - Liberation/Black/Feminist - Social-Scientific - Literary - Source - Narrative - Structural - Poststructural - Tradition-Historical E. Theological analysis F. Your analysis and/or application Exegetical Handbooks Fee, Gordon D. New Testament Exegesis:...
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...PROBLEM Discrimination is distinct from racial prejudice (attitudes), racial stereotypes (beliefs), and racism (ideologies) that may also be associated with racial disadvantages (Quillian 2006). As the diversity of the American workforce increase, organizational researchers have been increasingly interested in issues of discrimination and prejudice on the job. (e.g. Dovidio and Gaertner, 2000; Frazer and Wiersma, 2001; Trentham and Larwood, 1998). The workplace increasingly is more diverse than ever before. For decades African Americans, women, and many minorities were excluded from participating in most of the desirable jobs and institutions. Even when declared unconstitutional, the discrimination against minority groups often persisted (Beauchamp & Bowie, 1993). Although some work organizations are making progress in their efforts to combat discrimination, African Americans particularly still face a series of unique problems imposed on them through the complex interactions of racially motivated negative attitudes and actions of individual and organizational policies and practices not encountered by Caucasians (Chima, 1999; Stromen & Seltzer, 1991). Some of the major problems African Americans face include: employment process biases, channeling into "minority" positions, lack of access to network and mentors, promotion and advancement difficulties, and emotional and psychological maltreatment (Queralt, 1996). Attributes characteristics such as “lazy” and “unreliable”...
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...Click here to download the solutions manual / test bank INSTANTLY!! http://testbanksolutionsmanual.blogspot.com/2011/02/accounting-information-systems-romney.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accounting Information Systems Romney 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney Steinbart 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney Steinbart 11th Edition Solutions Manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Solution Manual in e-version of the following book*** Name: Accounting Information Systems Author: Romney Steinbart Edition: 11th ISBN-10: 0136015182 Type: Solutions Manual - The file contains solutions and questions to all chapters and all questions. All the files are carefully checked and accuracy is ensured. - The file is either in .doc, .pdf, excel, or zipped in the package and can easily be read on PCs and Macs. - Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Our response is the fastest. All questions will always be answered in 6...
Words: 18533 - Pages: 75