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Online Dating Research Paper

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The world of online dating continues to grow and gain popularity among singles. And while posting a profile may seem like a daunting task, there is a simple method to setting up a dating personal to maximize enjoyment and success. In this article, we'll give you 9 sure-fire tips for creating a great online dating profile.
1) Post a picture. This is the first rule for making your online personal one that is worth checking out. Make sure to use a recent photo that is in-focus and tasteful. This will get possible matches "in the door" so to speak - where they can learn more about you.

2) Let your personality shine through. It is important that you give people a good idea as to what you are like. The best way to achieve this is by putting your …show more content…
Don't make false or inflated claims in your personal. This will only force you to have to cover lies later on down the line with any matches.

4) Avoid clichés and be unique. A big problem with many single personals is a lack of originality. Seriously, how many people ACTUALLY take "long walks on the beach" or "picnics at sunset"? These lines should be left to the movies - not your online personal. Add your own unique flavor to your profile, and it will attract more matches...guaranteed.

5) Avoid sexual overtones. There are far too many personal ads laced with sexually suggestive comments and remarks. While the intent may be to attract more matches - think about the people you might be drawing in. Are these really the type of shallow dates you want to have?

6) Display a sense of humor. When creating an online personal, the ability to be funny is a key ingredient. Aside from putting people at ease, it also shows that you are a fun person to be around. A great sense of humor is always attractive!

7) Leave something to the imagination. While you want to give off a good impression by describing yourself in detail - you should also know when to hold back a bit. Don't divulge your ENTIRE life story in your personal ad - or you may scare away potential

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