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Minimum Drinking Age

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The United States of America is one of only four nations worldwide that have set the drinking age as high as 21. The Minimum Drinking Age Act was passed in 1984 which set the legal drinking age to 21 but it turns out this didn’t solve many of the problems they were hoping it would. At the age of 18 when you become a legal adult you can vote and be shipped off to war to fight for your country and purchase a fire arm but still not be able to have a nice cold refreshing beer or a hard shot of alcohol. There is a total of 195 nations in the world and the United states is only one of four who have set the legal drinking age as high as 21 and there lies the problem. Back in 1969-1975 when the legal drinking age was only 18 the teen fatality rate …show more content…
This is withholding something from a teenager for another three years that they should be able to consume and enjoy but instead they could get shipped off for war. In Florida the legal age to carry a fire arm is 18 according to, a weapon possible of destruction far greater than drinking alcohol yet the legal age is only 18. Clearly the age of 18 is where you become and adult and are expected to make your own decisions, yet teenagers are still being withheld from the right to drink. If one can purchase a fire arm and go fight for your country, they should be allowed to consume an alcoholic beverage without breaking the law and possibly seeing jail …show more content…
When a parent tells their daughter not to see her new boyfriend anymore because they know he is rebellious and reclus the only thing she wants to do is see her boyfriend. When you take away these simple human rights of decision making instead of allowing them and teaching them how to be safe they will be more likely to indulge in the adrenaline rush of breaking the rules. Lowering the legal drinking age will do more good and outweighs the benefits of keeping it at the age of 21. It will turn an out of reach substance into one where young adults can access and use safely which in turn will talk away a lot of the excitement of breaking the law and drinking un supervised. If one can vote, be sent off to war against his will in a draft and purchase a fire arm then they clearly make decisions for them self and have reach the maturity to be able to consume an alcoholic beverage. The Minimum Drinking Age Act was put into effect in 1984 and has caused more problems than it has solved. The United States should join the other 191 nations and lower the legal drinking age down and save more lives than it takes

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