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Minimum Drinking Age Essay

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In our society, we are considered as an adult at eighteen. We have the right to vote, the right to drive at 16, the right to get married, join the army and own guns. You can fight and die for your country at age of eighteen, can decide on our country’s president, but yet, you cannot enjoy a beer? For most countries around the world, the minimum drinking age is 18 (Griggs 1). There are only five other countries have their drinking limit set at age 21 besides US, and one of them is Pakistan (MLDAs in 138 countries 1). At least on this issue, the US and Pakistan have come to an agreement. In 1984, congress passed the "National Minimum Drinking Age Act" (Hanson 1). The act would limit the minimum drinking age to 21 years old. Why did Congress limit the minimum drinking age of 21 years old? The reason is that in 1982, when President Reagan had set up a committee to research the problem of drunk driving, the research was found 21 year olds have a higher ratio of drunk driving accident. Based on that, the committee …show more content…
Compare to younger adults, 21 year olds are more relatively mature and have more social and family responsibilities. If lowering the minimum drinking age, young people have not yet reached an age where they can handle alcohol responsibly, lacking of drinking experience, and no measure of drinking behavior. Young people are generally smaller than the figure for adults. Numerous studies confirm that excessive drinking can damage the liver and stimulates the gastric mucosa, because nausea and vomiting, may also lead to brain ischemia, causing headaches, coma and other symptoms. Medical studies have shown that by higher the legal drinking age, it has significantly reduced the proportion of drunk teenagers. He believes that the key to solving drunk is not to lower legal drinking age, but through a variety of education (Jernigan

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