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Zionism: Religions In America

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Words 483
Pages 2
Zack Todd
Dr. Detwiller
Religions in America/ 2
October 5, 2016
Zionism was founded by Theodor Herzl in 1896. It is a nationalist movement where the goal is to return Jewish people to the land of Zion, which is the same as Jerusalem (“What is”). It also formed out of Anti-Semitism because Herzl argued that if Jews wanted to escape conflict, then they should set up a society in one place rather than spread out all over the world (Britanica). Herzl was born May 2, 1860 in Budapest, Hungary and died July 3, 1904. In 1878, his family moved to Vienna, Austria and he earned his Doctorate of Law at the University of Vienna in 1884 (Theador). He encountered anti-Semitism in Paris and wrote a play about it. This would ultimately shape some key ideas in Zionism later (Theador). …show more content…
Zionism is based off of Jewish Secularism, meaning that they challenged traditional Jewish beliefs and the Torah. The Torah is the same thing as the Old Testament in the Bible so the reasoning is similar to secular Christians as well. Many Zionists believed the Torah had no place in modern society (“What is”). Although Zionism is mostly secular, the whole premise behind it is religious: return to the holy land and set up a religious government (“What is”). The term Zionism turned into a call for action, meaning that Jewish people should get away from oppression and establish a government in the holy land (‘What

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