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Annotated Bibliography On Brain Research

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Annotated Bibliography
Burt, Robert A. “REVIEW DIALOGUE: A Conversation between Robert A. Burt and Elyn R. Saks.” Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
This article from the Johns Hopkins University Press, American Imago, is a book review from Robert Burt with Elyn R. Saks. They speak about Saks book called The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness. They speak back and forth about this book, which shares Saks personal journey with schizophrenia in more depth.
Donegan, Jennifer J., and Daniel J. Lodge. “Cell-Based therapies for the treatment of schizophrenia.” Elsevier, 2017.
This article is named Brain Research: Cell-based therapies for the Treatment of Schizophrenia. It was published by Elsevier and it speaks about treatments for

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