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Ethnic Diversity In Movies

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From the Beginning of the film industry there has always been some form of prejudice. Where the plot thickened in the past with new and interesting set of cast is no longer the norm, today the plot today weakens. The main protagonists in action movies of today all the same; a strong Caucasian heterosexual male. In drama, it is a weak Caucasian female that cry. Today we expect to see the same set of cast in every movie and in each and every television show. They are white, male, or heterosexual. That is the problem we face and something needs to be changed. We need ethnic diversity we need bringing in more than just a cast of white people. Ethnic diversity does not mean having your entire cast being Black, or have your entire cast being Asian. …show more content…
For example, a recent movie “Selma” tells the tale of Martin Luther King Jr. and one of the most notable gains for the civil right movements. “Selma” had a budget of $20 million and only had a box office of $39.2 million just over a $19 million net worth. In the film industry, this is not much, especially since the movie has received amazing reviews from critics such as a 99% from Rotten Tomatoes that calls a “gripping performance” and a 5/5 from Common Sense Media, this is a major injustice. “Selma” tells the story of history and civil rights and the struggle African Americans had to go through to get the rights that we have today. While the movie “American Sniper” with a budget of $58.8 million made a box office of nearly four times its budget at $247.6 million, won seven awards such as Best Director and Best Actor, has created an increase of threats against Arabs and Muslims, won best Movie to open in Iowa, and stole away from “Selma” a movie that is supposed to further equality and peace not hate and bigotry. “American Sniper” is based on a racist war veteran that refers to his targets as “savages”. This movie adds to stereotypes and bigotry in the film industry and the minds of our youth. Resulting as what was said before an increase of threats against Arabs and Muslims, a race of people that have already been put under the radar of many people in America as they are seen as terrorist for a long time now. (Marc) Family who seek Asian, the supposition goes, need help somehow unabated on make American — ought to be clear this demonstrated in the supremacist Chinese restaurant scene on "A Christmas Story," when those all-American posse need its Christmas dinner done a Chinese restaurant. Furthermore, the normal astuteness in the scene hails from the incoherence from asserting it each

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