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Atlantic City Research Paper

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Have you ever thought about a perfect destination in summer? Atlantic City is a great destination to go to in the summer. Atlantic City has a wonderful beach which is a nice place to visit in summer, since it has an ocean, sand, and a boardwalk. Any beach would be ideal to visit but the best one to visit is the Atlantic City Beach. Atlantic CIty has so many great activities like going on the boardwalk, going in the ocean, and staying at a splendid hotel. First, Atlantic City has a magnificent boardwalk. Walking around smelling the air is just the start of it. How about walking into an ice cream shop and eating the best ice cream around. That sounds amazing. On the boardwalk there are many stores like clothes, ocean items, and more. The boardwalk is a nice place to take a walk and get your mind off of things. Not to mention, the food places on the boardwalk are outstanding. For example, there is a pizza shop not to far along, and the pizza is so juicy that it will send your taste buds on a frenzy. This is just one of the many food places that are so good on the boardwalk. In addition the boardwalk is a great place to meet new people. Sitting down on the bench chatting to new people is a great way to start a relationship. Therefore, the boardwalk is just one of the great things to do at Atlantic City. …show more content…
Walking in the sand on the coast of the water is so soothing. Have you ever went boogie boarding or surfing? Now is a great chance to experience it. The big reason why the Atlantic City Beach is the place to go for summer is the waves. The waves are perfect way to have fun. For example, jumping through the waves is so much fun. Grabbing a boogie board and riding the waves back to shore is even better. Not to mention, surfing is a great activity to try and who knows you could be a pro at it. The ocean is just one of many things to do at Atlantic

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