Premium Essay

Willie Wonka Monologue

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Words 556
Pages 3
A ray of sunlight awoke me while shining through the window into my eyes. A strange feeling had entered my stomach that was indescribable. As I looked to my nightstand to grab my phone a ticket had taken the place. This ticket was no ordinary ticket. The ticket was gold and made of chocolate. In the back of the ticket was an address carved into the thin, brown, milk chocolate.
An old, beat up, yellow taxi cab carried me to my destination. The building was huge and what looked like to be a factory of some kind. I walked cautiously to the front door of the building to meet four other people. All of our stories matched up. They had also strangely awoken to a ticket by their side. “Surely they know what is going on”, I said to myself. None of them were aware of anything that was going on. …show more content…
A white male, roughly 5’10, and weighing around 155 pounds stood in the doorway with an awkward smirk on his face. “Please come in, he said.” Everybody walked slowly into the large building. Once the door shut the man began to explain.
I have invited you all hear today to give you a tour of my factory, he exclaimed. The man introduced himself as Willie Wonka. I had heard a fiction story when I was younger about a man named Willie Wonka who was supposedly the founder of chocolate. Surely this was not the man I had once heard about. Besides I would know about this so called “chocolate man” by now if he was real. Willie Wonka led us on a tour through his factory. The factory was humongous! I had never seen anything like it.
I was amazed when we entered the first room. The room was made of chocolate itself. There was a long field with a river running through it. The river was chocolate instead of water. The mushrooms in the grass were made of bubble gum. The trees were full of chocolate covered apples. It was almost as if I were walking into the inside of an oversized

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