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Skin Disease Research Paper

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The minute a child is born, they are destined what they will encounter in life. Many people believe that someone’s destiny will be how successful they will be, who they will meet in life, or where they will live. However, many people are meant to encounter challenges that will affect them both physical and mentally. Skin diseases are one of those challenges that has the potential to perpendict with your mental health and physical health. Many people have the tendency to believe that when a person has a skin disorder that they do not keep up with hygiene needs or simply are careless people. Due to the many assumptions of society, these individuals struggling with this unfortunate burden begin to feel isolated and rejected by the people around …show more content…
Psoriasis develops underneath the skin and works its way up to the surface. This specific skin disease is developed due to many interruptions to the skin, like sun burns, cuts, and even bug bites. This condition is not common in every person, but the individuals who suffer from this skin disease are unfortunately in a lot of pain most of the time. According to the article, “A New Treatment For The Relief of Psoriasis,” this specific disease affects 1.5 to 2 percent of the world’s population (para1). As this article comes to show, not many people around communities are victims of this disorder which can be a result of a negative outcome. When people come around others who unfortunately have this skin disorder, they can be treated differently, resulting in isolation due to the negative attention they attract. This can become a major physiological problem and affect their …show more content…
However, the only people that would be against this are the ones that are lucky enough to be healthy and successful. Insurance companies and some members of society might be against this predicament because they believe that if insurance companies pay for all costs when it comes to physical damage like skin disorders and its mental unbalance,they will not be as successful economic wise. However, if these companies were to take this into consideration, many organizations and foundations would support many insurance companies for their act of fairness on their clients. Every insurance company would be very successful with the monthly pay of the people who obtain that certain insurance carrier , but also the support of other large corporations, organizations, and

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