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Gm's Advertising Campaign

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GM used its best selling brand and largest advertising budget - $750 million in 2006 - to promote a new green image [4],[5]. Yet, the technologies that GM advertises in its Gas-Friendly to Gas-Free ads remain mostly prospective. Super-efficient vehicles represent a small percentage of the 9.3 million cars GM produced in 2007. The company is only now introducing real hybrid vehicles, and its electric and fuel cell technologies are not yet production-ready.

In the ad below, GM states that that Chevrolet currently sells seven vehicles that get at least 30 miles per gallon (mpg) on the highway. Although accurate, the campaign fails to note that GM currently produces fifty-one other models that get less than 30 mpg, including thirty-five that get …show more content…
But nowhere in its advertising does GM acknowledge that corn-based ethanol likely does not offer any significant climate benefit compared to petroleum and has a number of additional environmental concerns associated with its production [8]. GM does not acknowledge publicly that most of its E85-ready fleet is large SUVs and pickups, or that less than one percent of consumers buying these vehicles ultimately fuel them with ethanol [9].

This last point is particularly important because sales of these flex-fuel vehicles are what enabled GM to meet CAFE obligations in past years. Because of a loophole in the law, GM gets fuel economy credits for producing these vehicles, even though they do not usually run on ethanol. Without this loophole GM would have had to produce more efficient vehicles, or face more than $350 million in fines in previous years.

GM's new line of hybrids includes alternate versions of some of its worst gas-guzzlers: the Chevrolet Tahoe and GMC Yukon. These vehicles get only 22mpg at best, even with the hybrid technology. Last quarter GM sold only 655 hybrids, and nearly 800,000 non-hybrids [10], [11]. GM plans to put the technology in more SUVs and pick-ups in coming years, but has not announced plans for putting the technology in a compact

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