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Nick The Boy Character Analysis

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I predict that Nick will become the best player on the varsity baseball team. He was a really good player on JV. But he just forgot how to play once he got on varsity. He also knows the game very well. He was the best player on his team when he was on JV. He could throw very well and he would throw people out at second base all the time. He has a really good and strong arm for his age. He throws very fast because he has a strong arm. He can always get people out when stealing because he is a fast thrower and pops up very fast. He can get even the fastest runners in the league. He is really good at being a catcher he has been playing catcher his whole life. He can tell when they are stealing and can always get people out when stealing. That is why he is such a good …show more content…
When he was on JV he was super accurate and now he can’t even throw it to the second base. Only person on varsity that believes in him is the coach and his friend Jack. The coach tries to help him after practice and it helps but when all the varsity team shows up he chokes. They all make fun of him and he loses his confidence. When he loses his confidence he plays like trash. Another reason I think he will become the best on the team is because he know a lot about baseball. He knows all the rules and many facts about players and teams. He fell in love with baseball when he went to a reds game with two people he thought were adopting him. He loved every minute of it and has loved baseball ever since. Sadly the people who brought him to the game did not adopt him. He wants to go to another game but the people who adopted him do not like sports and do not watch baseball. Ever since he went to the ball game he has watched the reds on TV every time they play. He only will read books that are baseball or comics. He is slacking in school cause he wants to read comics instead of reading his school

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