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Summary: The Mistreatment Of American Natives

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I don't think Europeans came to America to kill all the natives, but that's pretty much what happened. To convert American natives instead of massacring them, Bartolomé De Las Casas wrote “The Black Legend” to king of Spain, Don Carlos V, to persuade him to put an end to the mistreatment of the natives. As a bishop, it was De Las Casas' duty to uphold moral Christian values in the Americas by educating the natives in Christian ways, and protecting the people in danger. He has a hard time doing this because the areas he travels to are either have only remaining body parts of the natives that didn't get burned or buried, or a bunch of angry natives that feel as though there is no way they can trust having a European near them. He doesn't want to see people being tortured, defiled, and mutilated, but he alone can't stop these giant slaughters happening every day. It seemed pointless to spend so much effort reeducating entire tribes, only to have them burned simply because they were born there. He has to stop the problem from where it originated: Spain. …show more content…
Since the settlers were so far away from their king, it was hard for any rules or laws to be enforced. This is what the Spaniards realized as they began to pillage and terrorize the locals. The king had many things to deal with and since De Las Casas was one of the few people complaining about the matter of the abuse of Native Americans, the problem didn't sit very high with the king. Although, in 1542 he created the “New Laws of the Indies”, after reflecting about De Las Casas' accounts. Although he got the attention of a king, it didn't help his cause very much because most of the people in Spanish America disregarded the King's new laws since there was no one to reinforce the laws they already didn't agree

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