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Pt1420 Unit 1 Assignment

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1. If on the subject of climate change with another person and that person mentions that climate change is a natural cycle and not caused by humans, I would somewhat have to agree with them. I would agree with them that climate change is a natural cycle, but humans are very much so influencing it. In fact, I would point them to Katherine Hayhoe’s YouTube series where she talks all about it. She mentions in the videos that the climate does go through cycles of colder and warmer temperatures, but because of humans, the cycle has changed. Physicists have concluded that out climate should be close to 60 degrees cooler than what it is now, and in fact we should be heading toward our next ice age. What is even more bizarre, is that the process of …show more content…
In my opinion, I would say that the US farm policy is the most at blame for the Hypoxic Zone in the Gulf of Mexico. I don’t think it’s simply that farmers do not care about the environment, rather our policies with fertilizer and pesticide are too intriguing to them to get the best possible yields. They are pushed to grow as much as possible, as they will get better subsides as well as make more money, and this is made possible by our advances in fertilizer and pesticides. Farmers quite commonly use more fertilizer/nitrates than needed because it simply doesn’t hurt the crops, and will make them grow better. This is the same for pesticides. Farmers use extra pesticides to keep insects from destroying their crops, possibly before they even have an insect problem in the first place. It can almost act as an insurance for them that they will get the best possible crop possible. While doing this doesn’t harm them or their crops, it does harm other things in the environment they may not even be aware of. Like the decline in monarch butterflies. Heavily spraying pesticides can affect their reproduction as well as the milkweed in which their young use to eat. So, they may or may not be aware that their heavy use of fertilizer and pesticides is affecting other things in the environment, but the US farm policy has been shaped by agribusiness interests, so even if they are aware, it is in their best interest to keep doing what they are doing to have the most successful

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