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Dwight D. Eisenhower Research Paper

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My alter ego is David Dwight Eisenhower, or also known as Dwight D. Eisenhower or “Ike.” I chose to research about this person because I thought he was going to be very interesting and also because he was the 34th President of the United States. On October 14, 1980, Dwight D. Eisenhower was born in Denison, Texas. When he was a child, he belonged to a religious family, who was part of the River Brethren (Protestant Group) and would pray and read the Bible every day. In school, Eisenhower was an average student and enjoyed playing many sports, such as baseball and football. As he grew older, he still maintained a religious life, joined the Presbyterian Church and moved to Abilene, Kansas when he was two years old. Because his family owned a …show more content…
With superior organizational skills, he became captain and went to Camp Colt in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. In Panama Canal Zone, in Central America, Eisenhower served as part of the staff of Brigadier General Fox Connor, who was a man that inspired Eisenhower. At Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, he attended the Command and General Staff School to study military skills. In 1928, Eisenhower went to the Army War College and graduated with the top rank in the class. General Douglas MacArthur, an inspiring leader and army chief of staff and Eisenhower traveled to Asia and helped contribute to the government by building a strong navy and prepare the nation to be independent. There in the Philippines, Eisenhower stayed for four long years and became a lieutenant colonel when he returned to the United States. After reading about different biographies about Eisenhower, I learned about his rankings, positions, and contributions to the …show more content…
Furthermore, Eisenhower became head of the War Plans Division, named by General Marshall. Eisenhower was put in charge of the U.S. forces in Europe in June 1942, there, successfully leading an Allied invasion of North Africa, later promoted to general. When President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill planned an invasion of German-occupied lands in Europe, Eisenhower was put in charge of the invasion, known as Operation Overlord, and became supreme commander of the entire Allied forces. The Operation Overlord began on June 6, 1944, being the largest seaborne invasion. We now know June 6 as D-Day. For his many victories in Europe, Eisenhower became a five-star general and when World War II ended, Eisenhower served as army chief of staff, who was previously George C. Marshall and became president of the Columbia University. In 1942, Dwight Eisenhower stated that he would run for President of the United States and part of the Republican party, with Richard Nixon as his running mate to become vice president. During this presidential election, Adlai E. Stevenson, who was part of the Democratic party, was Eisenhower’s presidential opponent. With a number of 442 to 89 votes in the Electoral College, Eisenhower became President of the United States. After reading this biography about Dwight Eisenhower, I learned more about what people and what happened during the

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