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The Importance Of Communication In Canada

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Communication Styles
Canada is bilingual country and therefore it is expected that both English and French are a part of business meetings in order to accommodate all people. Typically, Canada’s business conversational style includes being composed, restrained, negotiated and refined. Canadian businessmen and women tend to be straightforward and say what they mean without being aggressive and insulting. With being straightforward they give and expect to receive genuine answers, not misleading answers. (Canadian Communication, n.d).

When it comes to conversation it all starts with the introduction. Greetings in Canadian business culture include being introduced based on rank (highest rank is introduced first) and making eye contact. (Canadian Business, n.d). Conversations are based on considerate and impartial topics. Canadians are open to discussing conventional topics which typically include sports, weather, interests and vacations. While conducting business with individuals from other countries it is considered impolite to speak in a language other than a language that is understood by everyone. (Doing Business, n.d.) …show more content…
Building reliability begins with being honest, understandable and straightforward. Showing reliability allows for the international business partners to feel content that the people they are working with are implementing and fulfilling their responsibilities. This is also related to the second element which is setting expectations. Following through with set expectations shows reliability and it shows the business partners that they can trust their partners with any task that needs to be accomplished. The final element is sharing knowledge. This allows the business partners to accept and create new ideas, have fast problem solving skills and work cooperatively (Ali,

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