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Left To Tele Analysis

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What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is not holding a grudge or seeking revenge, but releasing the other from blame and trust in God to forgive the person who offended us. The bible states, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins (Matthew 6:14-15). As believers, we are obligated to forgive those who hurt us and leave it to God for justice. Forgiveness may be hard, but it is one of the key elements in life to move on and pursue happiness. Although we may never forget the offense one has done to us, forgiveness allows us to not only be at peace with ourselves, but also live in the imagine and likeness of God.
In the book Left to …show more content…
I was blessed though: With God’s help, my heart was strong enough to love another after two years. But while I healed, I lived a quiet, reflective life. By forgiving, Immaculée was able to live a peaceful life the way she deserved. She never seeked revenge nor wished bad things upon the murders. Instead, she lived her life with God by her side. Everyday, Immaculée prayed for those survivors who may have trouble seeking forgiveness. She shared her experiences and was an influence to those around her wanting to seek forgiveness, but had trouble doing so. A genocide survivor told Immaculée, “I thought you were crazy to forgive them, Immaculée- that you were letting them off the hook. But the pain and bitterness I’ve been carrying in my heart for 11 years is about to kill me. I’ve been miserable for so long that I don’t have the energy to live anymore. But I kept hearing people talk about how you forgave your family’s killers and moved on with your life…I need to learn how to let go of my hatred, too. I need to live again” (207). Immaculée responded with, “I told her how I put my trust in God, and related all I’d done to

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