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Classroom Management Case Study

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1. List three reasons why some students continue to cause problems even when there is a good classroom management plan in place?
A few reasons why some students may continue to cause problems in the classroom despite having good classroom management include those who are regarded as at risk. Students who are considered at risk may live in poverty. The family may also be experiencing difficulty coping with a death of a relative, a parent may have lost their job or the parents are going through a divorce. Lastly, the student may have a disability that reduces their capability to manage their behavior or emotions.
2. Discuss at least one benefit and one challenge of intervening early in the acting-out cycle to prevent problem behaviors from escalating. …show more content…
She could be bored with the lesson, is having difficulty understanding the writing task, or has a learning disability that is impairing her ability to complete the assignment.

5. Once either Patrick or Tameka enters the Agitation Phase, what would you recommend that Ms. Rollison do? If she doesn’t recognize the Agitation Phase, what would you recommend differently for the Acceleration Phase?
Recommendations for Ms. Rollison would be for her to promptly, re-direct the students to complete the specified assignment. If Patrick and Tameka’s inappropriate behavior continues then Ms. Rollison can instruct the student’s to complete a different task and walk away. When she sees that they have completed the assignment, she should check back with them.

Ms. Rollison can also speak with each student to understand whether they are struggling with the task or something else. If the student needs to take a break from the task or classroom then she can either have them go to another class for a few minutes, take a bathroom break, get a drink of water, or deliver a note to another teacher in the building. The short break from the class will allow the student time to compose his or

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