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Why Privacy Is Important Research Paper

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why is privacy so important

privacy is important for many reasons and is there to establish safety or well boundaries from others that are trying to get into your valuable information. privacy also makes it to where only certain people can only know so much of what you tell them and that's all their going to know because its your business and no one else's .certain people will try and find out as much as they can about your life and your secrets . that's why its important to have privacy because the second word gets out about something you didn't want your best friend knowing or something like that it can be really bad depending on the situation at hand. another thing is that someone can catch you doing something and tell everyone you know and hurt you and your reputation dramatically and because of that you could loose all your friends because someone thought it would be funny to tell everyone about what you did. privacy is important to everyone and so many people go snooping about through other peoples business. the events of someone invading your privacy and then telling everyone what happened . happens just as much as a annoyance does so that's a lot of people getting in bad situations because of someone else opening their mouth when you think about it . everyday someone's privacy is at risk and anyone …show more content…
privacy also helps people practice their own private cultures or faiths so that others that aren't the same culture or believe in the same faith . can practice freely amongst themselves without someone judging them or disrespecting their belief . their are many cultures and beliefs out there that heavily rely on privacy . those cultures use it for certain traditions or ceremonies that maybe need to be concealed secretively instead of anyone being able to watch them perform it

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