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Women's Rights


Submitted By pacgar
Words 1589
Pages 7
Women’s Rights
I was raised in a town far away from the city, away from the civilization between farms, horses and cows. My role as a boy was to help my father to milk and feed the cows, go to the fields and pick up the vegetables and crops, while my mother and my sisters were in charged of cleaning the house and have the food ready for us when we come back from the fields. In this environment the machismo was very present, girls only attended Junior High School, parents did not believe in sending their daughters out of the town to get a higher education, including my father; because as girls their role was to get married and have kids. It might sound like this ideology belongs to my great grant parents but sadly it belonged to my me 19 years ago. This is a clear example of how a poor ideology puts women in disadvantage in comparison to men. Women have faced more discrimination since the foundation of our constitution where little by little women have gained some rights but the gap between men and women still exists.

In my thesis I am going to talk about events that took place, so women could get the right to vote, the right to make reproductive decisions, the issue that women is currently facing for equal pay, and two groups that are in pro and against the passage of the paycheck fair act. Many rights that women have today are the result of big efforts made by past women leaders who showed their inconformity of not having the same civil rights as men. As Shea mentioned in the book Living Democracy “The nation’s founders simply took it for granted that women need not to participate in political affairs; they were viewed as being destined for such roles in society as cooks, maids, wives and mothers.” Pg153. The framers of the constitution based on this ideology did not include women’s civil rights in the constitution.

Many events took place, so women could get

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