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Freud Inventory Analysis

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I enjoyed taking these four quizzes. It really showed me some areas I need to improve as a person. My favorite quiz was the 5 personalities it was the easiest for me to understand the results. Some of the other quizzes were more difficult. At least to me anyways. The Freud Inventory test really broke down each of the stages which really helped me get a better understanding of each stage.

One of the test I took was the Freud Inventory Test. I would have to agree with the results. This test mainly focused on five different stages of psychological which are oral (dependence), anal (self-control), phallic (sexuality), and latency (learning), genital (productivity). I have more self-control than others. I am a very organized person, and I always have a thinking process before making a final decision. From talking this test, I would think the dependence would have been a little higher percentage; I do not depend on other I just do no matter the situation. With the learning that is a weakness for me, I can make my own decisions when it comes to life situations, but when come to school it takes me a little longer to learn things compared to my classmates. In the productivity area, I will agree with most of the time change is good. Everyone has room for some type of change in their life. …show more content…
According to this test, I have esteem needs. I do care about myself, I just have others I put before myself. I scored 37 percent in safety needs, I live in a safe environment I do not have to worry about a thing happening around where I live. Next, I scored 33 percent on self-actualization I would disagree with this result. I consider myself to have a high level of individual development I am the type of person who would rather do something myself rather than ask others. I figured my physiological needs would be at least 50 percent because I already have everything I need to live without

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