...Dreaming Up My Persuasive Essay Her I sit trying to dream up my persuasive essay, nothing coming to my mind so I choose what I am doing at this exact moment and what I have learned. Sitting in my office chair and not allowing enough time to get my persuasive essay done. Three hours till my deadline and I am just getting started. I will have a persuasive essay by the deadline because I will sit here in my office chair every second till my task is complete. I ran through the writing process steps and I seem to be off to a good start. Using the writing process for previous essays has made the process familiar. I am starting the prewriting process by brainstorming and it had better be a hurricane. The planning has happened and helped keep me...
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...Course Material all Weeks DQS and All Assignments COM 156 Wk 1 All Discussion Questions Review the information provided on pp. 51–53. Explain the initial steps of writing an essay. Identify how your audience, purpose, and content will influence your approach The purpose of an essay, as explained on p. 47, will affect all aspects of the paper. In this class, the final paper will be a persuasive essay. Throughout the class, you will complete assignments that directly or indirectly help you complete the final paper. Identify the main purpose of a persuasive essay and the elements necessary for it to be effective. Review the video titled Writing Process. Read the Short Form Axia Writing Style Handbook. What are the two most helpful suggestions in each? If you were to propose one additional suggestion to include in each what would it be? Explain the time management strategies you will use when writing a successful academic paper. What techniques discussed in your US/101 course may help you manage your time when writing a paper? The ultimate success or failure of a paper may often be traced back to the planning stages. What might you do to provide yourself with the best opportunity to succeed when writing your college papers? COM 156 Wk 2 All Discussion Questions Read pp. 290–291 in Ch. 18. Those pages provide an overview of writing that persuades. Ch. 4 provides ideas for choosing a topic. Based on those ideas...
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...We write: Essays Research Papers Coursework Thesis Dissertations Term Papers UK Essays # Count of pages: Number of words: Choose your academic level: Term: Discount Code (optional): Discount: 0% Price: $0 Official PayPal Seal website security Types of Essays A big problem that most students and new essay writers run into is “How to write an essay.” usually roughly all essays follow a common structure of writing which comprises of an introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Once the writers are lucid about the technique of writing an essay and how to write an essay outline, the next step that they face up to is how to move toward a particular research paper topic. And what type of writing works best? Students often complain about a certain type of essay they have been assigned with. It seems to them that writing within essay type boundaries doesn’t allow them to think out the box, limits their potential. But writing a paper without any directions could be even more confusing than the class assignment you got. Do not think about the limitations as of the prison walls, but as of the walls in your room where you feel free to paint murals or change nothing whatsoever, simply being in control of it, being yourself. Tweet Quick Navigation through the Types of Essays Page Basic Types: Narrative, Descriptive and Persuasive How Can We Help Personal Essays Argumentation Essays Information Essays Analysis Essays ...
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...Course http://homeworkgallery.com/index.php/product/com-156-entire-course/ http://homeworkgallery.com/index.php/product/com-156-entire-course/ COM 156 Week 1 DQs Review the information provided on pp. 51–53. Explain the initial steps of writing an essay. Identify how your audience, purpose, and content will influence your approach. Explain the time management strategies you will use when writing a successful academic paper. What techniques discussed in your US/101 course may help you manage your time when writing a paper? The ultimate success or failure of a paper may often be traced back to the planning stages. What might you do to provide yourself with the best opportunity to succeed when writing your college papers? COM 156 Week 1 Assignment Challenges of a Paper When sitting down to write a paper I must face up to a number of challenges. Beating distracting is extremely hard for me because I have two small children. When I’m handed an assignment, it can be difficult for me to find a period of time where I can sit down and work, uninterrupted, without my kids distracting me or requiring attention. Deciding what to write about is another challenge I regularly face. COM 156 Week 1 Video Transcript – Writing Process As an instructor, you could be forgiven for thinking that I wouldn’t wait until the very last second to create a lecture. Although I should know better, I still do this and so do most people. However, if you have a paper, lecture or...
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...PHI 105 Types of Communication Matrix When communicating your critical thinking about a concept, you choose how to present it to your audience. To explore this further, we will look at three ways to communicate: informative, explanatory, and persuasive statements. A quality persuasive essay includes a mixture of informative, explanatory, and persuasive statements because to persuade someone you must: Inform people about the topic Explain your argument, and Convince your audience of your point of view. Complete the following matrix by: Choosing a concept (different from the topic of your persuasive essay) and writing it first as an informative statement, second as an explanatory statement, and third as a persuasive statement. An example has been provided for you in the Matrix. Provide examples from your persuasive essay of one informative statement, one explanatory statement, and one persuasive statement (all areas in green should be complete before submitting). Concept Informative Explanatory Persuasive Baseball (Example) Baseball is a sport. In baseball, infielders should creep toward the batter during the pitch because it is easier to react when in motion. Quality pitchers are more important than power hitters, because keeping runs off the board could give the pitcher’s team more opportunity win. Sex Trafficking Women, girls and sometimes males are enslaved for sex, in an act that is called Sex trafficking Sex trafficking is an epidemic that affects...
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...My Experience in the Writing Process This semester I was surprised by how much I actually learned and developed my writing skills. I was given the opportunity to learn the many steps that it is required to become a good writer. Writing requires a lot of work. It consists of various steps; prewriting, drafting, rewriting, proofreading and publishing. . All of these components are extremely important, and necessary, and will need to be follow to improve student’s writing. I feel my writing has improved due to the help of the writing process and all the writing assignments I experienced. I was able utilized each of these components this semester. I wrote various journals and two essays, which were very challenging to me. The first essay I was asked to write, was a Narrative essay about an experience in which later I questioned my actions. At first, I was very nervous due to I have never written an essay before. I did not even know where to begin. I struggled during the whole process of writing the essay. My biggest problem of all was putting my thoughts in order so I could make sense of what I wanted to say. I brainstorm for days trying to figure out a topic. With the help of the eLearning text information on module 2, how to choose a topic and develop a working thesis I was able to come up with a topic. I finally came up with, Moving away from Friends and Family. Thanks to Module 3, Introduction to Narrative Essay, and the examples that were provided, I was able to...
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...CHAP TER Rhetorical Modes 1. NARRATION L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S 10 1. Identify the purpose and structure of narrative writing. 2. Recognize how to write a narrative essay. Rhetorical modes simply mean the ways in which we can effectively communicate through language. This chapter covers nine common rhetorical modes. As you read about these nine modes, keep in mind that the rhetorical mode a writer chooses depends on his or her purpose for writing. Sometimes writers incorporate a variety of modes in one essay. In covering the nine rhetorical modes, this chapter also emphasizes these as a set of tools that will allow you greater flexibility and effectiveness in communicating with your audience and expressing your ideas. rhetorical modes The ways in which we effectively communicate through language. 1.1 The Purpose of Narrative Writing Narration means the art of storytelling, and the purpose of narrative writing is to tell stories. Any time you tell a story to a friend or family member about an event or incident in your day, you engage in a form of narration. In addition, a narrative can be factual or fictional. A factual story is one that is based on, and tries to be faithful to, actual events as they unfolded in real life. A fictional story is a made-up, or imagined, story; the writer of a fictional story can create characters and events as he or she sees fit. However, the big distinction between factual and fictional narratives is based on a writer’s purpose...
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...Office Hours: Friday 12:00-1:00pm | Course Description: This course is all about working together to develop your writing and communication skills for both academic and non-academic purposes through practice, practice, and more practice. This course will teach you to be a better reader, thinker, and writer. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to write clearly, correctly, and persuasively across disciplines and situations. You will not only learn to be an effective writer, but also hone your critical thinking skills. Required Texts: NB: It is recommended that students use the edition available in the campus bookstore. Buckley, Joanne. Fit to Print: The Canadian Student’s Guide to Essay Writing. 8th ed. Toronto: Nelson Education, 2013. Additional readings to be posted on Blackboard. Recommended Texts: The Secret to Effective Documentation (Trent University: Academic Skills Centre -- http://www.trentu.ca/academicskills/documentation/, 13 July 2011). Note: Citations in this course must be in the MLA format. learningSystem/Blackboard: This course will make use of Blackboard. Certain assignments will be submitted on Blackboard, and students are expected to check the course site for weekly announcements. Course Format: Meeting Type | Day | Time | Location | Lecture | Friday | 13:10—14:00 | Room 116 | Writing Lab A | Friday | 14:10—15:00 | Room 116 | Learning Outcomes/Objectives/Goals/Expectations: I have developed the course...
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...Course Material all Weeks DQS and All Assignments COM 156 Wk 1 All Discussion Questions Review the information provided on pp. 51–53. Explain the initial steps of writing an essay. Identify how your audience, purpose, and content will influence your approach The purpose of an essay, as explained on p. 47, will affect all aspects of the paper. In this class, the final paper will be a persuasive essay. Throughout the class, you will complete assignments that directly or indirectly help you complete the final paper. Identify the main purpose of a persuasive essay and the elements necessary for it to be effective. Review the video titled Writing Process. Read the Short Form Axia Writing Style Handbook. What are the two most helpful suggestions in each? If you were to propose one additional suggestion to include in each what would it be? Explain the time management strategies you will use when writing a successful academic paper. What techniques discussed in your US/101 course may help you manage your time when writing a paper? The ultimate success or failure of a paper may often be traced back to the planning stages. What might you do to provide yourself with the best opportunity to succeed when writing your college papers? COM 156 Wk 2 All Discussion Questions Read pp. 290–291 in Ch. 18. Those pages provide an overview of writing that persuades. Ch. 4 provides ideas for choosing a topic. Based on those ideas and knowing that your final...
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...Axia College Material Characteristics of the Expository Essay What Is an Essay? An essay, or personal-opinion paper, is an important part of your college experience because it requires critical thinking as well as organization and research. Essay is a broad term. Sometimes an essay is just a page long; sometimes, essays are five pages or longer. Essays, however, focus on a single subject and idea. They also have different purposes: to persuade, explain, or entertain. Consider the following essay titles: • “Why You Should Never Vote for a Democrat” • “My Friend Harry Reasoner” • “Cells Phones: Getting the Most for the Least” • “Gay Marriage Does Not Hurt Traditional Marriage” • “How to Write an Essay” How would you categorize the essays above based on the titles? Is “Why You Should Never Vote for a Democrat” a persuasive essay or an entertaining one? Does “How to Write an Essay” explain or persuade? Even within a classification, writers use different types of development and have multiple purposes for their essays. Essay Classifications Writers classify essays in different ways. The following table includes common types of essays as well as examples: |Type of Essay |Definition |Example | | | | ...
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...negative connotation. paradox A paradox is a statement that first appears to be contradictory but actually states a truth. "History teaches us that we learn nothing from history informational text Informational text is non-fiction text that conveys or explains information. The text can appear in a wide variety of forms, such as a non-fiction narrative, charts or graphs, articles, or reports. propaganda Propaganda refers to a message designed to promote an institution, a cause, or a person through persuasive techniques. Advertisement strategies are called "commercial propaganda." denotation "Denotation" refers to the literal dictionary definition of a word. expert testimony Expert testimony is information about a particular issue, product, or idea given by people qualified to comment based on their authority on the subject statistical evidence Statistical evidence refers to statistics or numerical data that support an observation. persuasive technique Persuasive techniques refer to a variety of emotional appeals, or a sequence of logical reasoning that is used to influence an audience analogy Analogy is the relationship between certain aspects of one thing that are comparable to something else, even though there is no direct relationship between the two. emotional appeal An emotional appeal is a claim that refers to the emotional associations of a product, such as status value, popularity, or appearance, rather than its practical value repetition Repetition...
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...Associate Program Material Characteristics of the Expository Essay What Is an Essay? An essay is an important part of your college experience because it requires critical thinking as well as organization and research. Essay is a broad term. Sometimes an essay is just a page long; sometimes, essays are five pages or longer. Essays, however, focus on a single subject and idea. They also have different purposes: to persuade, explain, or entertain. Consider the following essay titles: • “Why You Should Never Vote for a Democrat” • “My Friend Harry Reasoner” • “Cell Phones: Getting the Most for the Least” • “Gay Marriage Does Not Hurt Traditional Marriage” • “How to Write an Essay” How would you categorize the essays above based on the titles? Is “Why You Should Never Vote for a Democrat” a persuasive essay or an entertaining one? Does “How to Write an Essay” explain or persuade? Even within a classification, writers use different types of development and have multiple purposes for their essays. Essay Classifications Writers classify essays in different ways. The following table includes common types of essays as well as examples: Type of Essay Definition Example Expository Uses evidence, examples, or facts to explain a concept or to inform about a topic with a thesis as its base; the information must be presented fairly and in a nonbiased manner “How to Stop Smoking” Persuasive or Argumentative Uses evidence, examples, or facts to persuade your...
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...Potential Topics * Cars - a blessing or a curse? * Given the traffic congestion on our roads, should we be doing more to keep cars off the road, and if so, what? * Should wolves be re-introduced to certain parts of Scotland? * Should humans treat farm animals more humanely? * Is there any place for zoos in a civilised society? * What is the future for the British (Scottish) countryside - a recreational retreat or a living, working environment for the production of food? Discuss. * Are celebrities entitled to privacy? * Are child beauty pageants morally acceptable? * It has been said that the glory game of football has been turned into the money game. To what extent do you think this statement is true and how has the game been affected? * Did the Olympics actually inspire the British population or what it a black hole for all our cash? * The Ryder Cup is the perfect example of what a united Europe can achieve – is this the way forward? * Do the various ages of consent need to be reviewed for the young people in this country? * How old is “too old” for parenthood? * Have improvements in contraception brought about liberation or a passport to promiscuity? * Has genetic engineering gone too far? * Cloning - a tremendous medical advance or an ominous development? * Should animal organs be used for human transplantation? * Should doctors have the right to refuse expensive treatment to patients who will not change their habits (eg...
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...various methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least two tips for writing each type of rhetorical device. | |Purpose |Structure |Tips | |Rhetorical mode |Explain when or why each |Explain what organizational method works |Provide two tips for writing | | |rhetorical mode is used. |best with each rhetorical mode. |in each rhetorical mode. | |Narration |The purpose of narrative writing |A strong narrative essay, containing |--Phrases and words related to| | |is an extensive form or |details of the setting, characters, and |the human senses attract the | | |storytelling. It can either be |situations relevant to the conflict of the|audience’s attention. | | |factual or fictional; it depends |story to engage the audience. It gives the| | | |on the purpose of the author, such|audience a vivid illustration of what is |--Minor characters help | | |as biographies or memoirs. |occurring. An essay of this nature is |support main characters or add| | ...
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...Topic 1 Introduction to Communication 1.1 WHAT IS COMMUNICATION? Communication is a learned skill. Communication is defined as the giving, receiving or exchanging of information, opinions or ideas so that the message is completely understood by everybody involved. The sender sends a message out with a certain intention in mind. The receiver of the message tries to understand and interpret the message sent. He then gives feedback to the original sender who, in turn, interprets the feedback. This process, repeated continuously, constitutes communication. ➢ Elements in Communication There are several major elements in the communication process - a sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback, context. There is both a speaker’s intention to convey a message and a listener’s reception of what has been said. If you want to get your message across accurately, you need to consider three things: - The message; - The audience or receiver; and - How the message is likely to be received. ➢ Factors Affecting Communication Barriers to effective communication:- (a) Status/Role (b) Cultural Differences (c) Choice of Communication Channels (d) Length of Communication (e) Use of Language (f) Disabilities (g) Known or Unknown Receiver (h) Individual Perceptions/Attitudes/Personalities (i) Atmosphere/Noise/Distraction (j) Clarity of Message (k) Lack of Feedback 1.2 DEFINING WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - Oral communication involves conveying ideas, thoughts or information...
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