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Culture and Case Study I


Submitted By SQueen0
Words 1150
Pages 5
Change and Culture Case Study I In a hierarchical organization structure there is a top, middle and a bottom. Middle management sits in the middle of this type or organizing scheme. Middle managers are generally supervisors. Sometimes those that head up departments or units of a business can be considered middle management depending on how the business is structured. Most middle management implements or executes the plans and policies created by upper management (Burke, 2013). Middle managers have to ensure that all of the employees that work underneath them are following the business plans that have been laid out and that they are getting their work done on time. It is important that middle managers are able to communicate clearly and effectively with their staff whether it is verbal or written communication.
Case Study Background In this case study the scenario is a middle manager within the health care organization has merged with a previous competitor. Up until now, employees saw the competition as an enemy that provided poor quality of care to their patients. The new corporation, however, has in place several inpatient and outpatient service that our health care organization does not. We will be discussing what impact the sale will have on the culture of the new combined health care organizations, as a middle manager what can be done to make sure that the combined staff work together in providing quality of care rather than seeing it as a competition and describing what the organization will look like when it comes to terms of systems and shapes.
One of the organizations do not have as many services that the other health care facility does not have. The merging health care organization has many different inpatient and outpatient services. With the two companies merging this can have cons and pros. This is going to give the patients who were

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