...Stereotyping Social Psychology June 27, 2015 Jennifer – Jennifer is an African American woman working as an administrative assistant for the same company I work for. We talked about our families and what we were planning this weekend, I told her we didn’t any plans yet. We started talking about work and what we do daily; I asked her what she thought about stereotypes within the company. She said working as an administrative assistant she sees a lot that goes on. People will walk by her desk talking and you hear things like “working with a woman is difficult because all women are moody” or “the new girl working in the mailroom can’t seem to catch on, but that is to be expected because all blondes are dumb.” She said when she hears things like this it makes her angry because people are judging other people based on either past experiences or because they have been taught or brought up to believe that. They don’t give people a chance to show who they are. Michael – Michael is a personal trainer at the gym I go to, Michael and I talk quite a bit when I am at the gym. When I asked him what he thought of stereotyping in the gym, he said working in a gym stereotyping is something that is seen daily by the people that work out and by gym staff. The staff will assume things about the clients look when they come in, he said that when one client came in and brought her son with her to work-out. The staff started saying “that kid wouldn’t know a piece of workout equipment if it...
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...Title: Stereotyping By: Sheila Cowan PHI 103: Informal Logic Instructor: Issac Brown Date: November 07, 2011 Stereotyping, prejudices and discrimination are ways in which society maintains class and status distinctions and disparate rights and resource distribution. Whether stereotypes are personal, socially based or institutionally legitimized, stereotyping uses flawed logic. It universally applies a belief, idea or an observation to a group of people with a specific trait or characteristic. This leads to invalid logic arguments, hypothetical imperatives and categorical imperatives that look something like this (Brown, 2001): • If a person has brown hair they are always less intelligent. When constructed as a universal or categorical imperative it looks like this (Brown, 2001): • People with brown hair are always less intelligent. Nevertheless stereotypes persist. Stereotyping and Discrimination Wherever people must compete for resources or position, stereotyping becomes a powerful tool. Governments and organizational leaders charged with the distribution of these positions and resources often use stereotyping and discrimination as a process of elimination. Therefore, negative stereotyping exists in almost every sphere of participation. It exists in schools, in financial institutions, in nearly every industrial and societal sector. Sometimes, negative stereotyping is less obvious than others are. As demonstrated...
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...Ageist stereotyping is a tool of cognition which involves categorizing into groups and attributing characteristics to these groups. Stereotypes are necessary for processing huge volumes of information which would otherwise overload a person, and they are often based on a "grain of truth" (for example, the association between aging and ill health). However, they cause harm when the content of the stereotype is incorrect with respect to most of the group or where a stereotype is so strongly held that it overrides evidence which shows that an individual does not conform to it. For example, age-based stereotypes prime one to draw very different conclusions when one sees an older and a younger adult with, say, back pain or a limp. One might well assume that the younger person's condition is temporary and treatable, following an accident, while the older person's condition is chronic and less susceptible to intervention. On average, this might be true, but plenty of older people have accidents and recover quickly and very young people (such as infants, toddlers and small children) can become permanently disabled in the same situation. This assumption may have no consequence if one makes it in the blink of an eye as one is passing someone in the street, but if it is held by a health professional offering treatment or managers thinking about occupational health, it could inappropriately influence their actions and lead to age-related discrimination. Managers have been accused, by Erdman...
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...Human Resource Manager I would provide Bob Wilson of Wilson Brother’s Limited with the following information around stereotyping in the organization. Stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice are similar concepts that are grouped together however each have their own specific characteristics and meanings. Stereotypes are regarded as the most cognitive component and often occurs without conscious awareness, whereas prejudice is the affective component of stereotyping and discrimination is one of the behavioral components of prejudicial reactions (Wikipedia). The textbook definition of stereotyping is the process of assigning traits to people based on their membership in a social category. Stereotypes tend to be mutual beliefs across society and even several cultures instead of the shared philosophies differing from one person to the next. (McShane, Steen and Tasa p. 65). People are often oblivious to their own stereotypical opinions and engross in such sentiments for three common reasons. First, is that it simplifies our understanding of the world, second is that we have an inherent need to understand and anticipate how others will behave and third, it is motivated by the individuals own social identity (McShane et al., p. 66). Stereotyping has both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include (as outlined in the website article Pros and Cons of Stereotyping): • It is a simple way of organizing and remembering information about other people • It reduces the amount of cognitive...
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...Stereotype Paper Stereotyping can be defined as “a conventional, formulaic, and over simplified conception, opinion, or image; one that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type”. (Herbert, 2008) Originally, a stereotype was a metal plate involved in the printing process. Once it was struck with an image, the imprint became permanent. Stereotyping is generally associated with prejudicial, erroneous, or misleading view of social groups not anchored in direct experience. (Holmberg, 2010) For this reason, it is generally thought that stereotyping is negative, and that it has widespread harmful effects. It can be noted that nearly all humans participate in a certain amount of stereotyping, whether it be from thoughts or values passed down to them through the generations, or views they’ve come to by their own thought process. One particular stereotype that I’ve observed being perpetuated in my own family is regarding gender roles. It is generally accepted in my ex- husband’s family that traditional gender roles should be observed (a woman’s place is in the home and that men should be the sole providers for the family etc.) The boys are raised learning to hunt and shoot guns and are strongly encouraged to participate in sporting activities in school. For the most part, young girls are strictly encouraged to participate in “girly” activities and are not encouraged to join sporting teams or do any athletic activity. In fact, my daughter was even...
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...Stereotyping can be defined as “Generalization about to group of people in which the same characterizers are assigned to all members of a group. Prejudice is “a learned attitude toward an object, involving negative feelings.” So what are some types of stereotypes of prejudicial? What are some types of stereotypes? And is there ever a scenario where discrimination can be viewed as good? There are different types of prejudicial such ask disability, sexism, poverty, racial, different, ageism. Most people today get prejudicial on there racial or class. That’s the first thing people judge you when you walk into a room. First think they say is oh he or she black that means they talk loud and they eat fried chicken with no money. Just because someone is different from you that does not mean you have to prejudice him or her. Stereotypes are a whole group of people base on one reason doesn’t like or post to do because of gender. Like for example did you ever hear someone say “men are strong and do all the work. Or all Asians are good at math. So most people stereotypes are different from other people. It goes of that person background or where they came from. That first impression when you meet someone is so important if you come up the right way. It takes out the stereotypes and prejudicial in the back of the person head. Then what can we do to stop people from prejudicial and stereotyping? The things we can do ask people from causing this problem is to get to know the person first...
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...Stereotyping Cassandra Britt PHI 103 Informal Logic Professor Anna Morrison January 14, 2013 Stereotyping When I started looking and thinking about stereotypes the first one that comes to mind is single mom. When you think of single mothers, people always feel that the person is on welfare and not able to take care of her children or herself. That is really a misconception. Sometimes the mother may have chosen to have a child and raise it by herself. The spouse could have passed away and the mother chooses to not remarry. There is numerous reason why a woman chooses to be a single parent. I myself encounter this when I had my first child growing up in the church and with my own family and friends. I wasn’t allowed to sing in the choir, people constantly talked about you behind your back. I felt that it was all because my parents had divorced, but both of them were still active in our lives. “There’s no question that single-mother families struggle in ways that two-parent families don't. Unmarried women juggling jobs and children are apt to have less money, less time and fewer emotional resources to devote to their kids” (Banks, 2012). The big picture is that there are single mothers that are not on welfare and have a wonderful support system. “The label "single mother" doesn't recognize that. Its fallout swirls around all of us raising children without fathers, like the dust cloud that followed Pig Pen around in those old "Peanuts" comics” (Banks, 2012). The...
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...Stereotyping is a mental activity that is neither natural or necessary; however, due to laziness, upbringing or coincidental experiences (Lester, 1996, p.1), the stereotyping of individuals results in harmful generalisations that ultimately deny an individual's 'unique contribution to humanity' (Lester, 1996, p.1). When the mass media engage in stereotyping, misleading representations concerning members from diverse cultural groups are confirmed. In this essay, a broad range of texts will be used to examine the ways in which the mass media construct and reinforce social stereotypes around gender, ethnicity and age, as well as how the media shape one's imagination though direct images. It cannot be doubted that the media profoundly influence people's attitudes and outlooks. They convey a whole variety of information which individuals would not otherwise acquire. Newspapers, books, television, radio, films, recorded music and popular magazines (Giddens, 1989, p.79) bring individuals into close contact with experiences of which we 'would otherwise have little awareness' (Giddens, 1989, p. 79). There are very few societies, in current times, even among the more traditional cultures, which remain completely untouched by the mass media. Electronic communication is accessible even to those who are completely illiterate, or in isolated areas of the world. According to Juredini and Poole, gender usually refers to the 'behavioural and attitudinal characteristics' as well as roles that...
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...As media becomes an ever more powerful force in shaping the world's perception of itself, an individual's struggle to maintain a unique identity and self-understanding apart from media influence becomes increasingly difficult. Damaging to the idea of the self are the racial, gendered, and class-based stereotypes (always artificial and frequently physically, fiscally, and emotionally unattainable), which are broadly perpetuated and, because of their persistence, are apparently not broadly questioned. The prevalence and power of gender (especially female) stereotypes in the media are addressed in this paper. Heightened public awareness of both the existence of and potential damage caused by these stereotypes is essential if they are to be eliminated. Frequently, though, they are difficult to combat and even to identify because of the ways in which they are presented. Overwhelming amounts of time and energy are devoted to uplifting a small, specially selected portion of the population as models of physical perfection. These individuals are, predominantly, television and movie celebrities, fashion models, and sports figures. The glamorous ways in which these occupations are portrayed by the media are seemingly impossible to separate from the physical appearance of the people who hold them. The glamour that surrounds the media presentation of the lives and careers of these individuals extends, not surprisingly, to the clothes that they wear and the way that they look. In fact, so...
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...Stereotyping Abstract Stereotyping is a general opinion regarding traits of particular groups as a whole. In stereotyping there is no room for individuality, only assumption based on the groups traits. A common stereotype in Utah involves the Mormon religion and the assumption that anyone from Utah is Mormon. Studies indicate there are not nearly as many Mormons in Utah as most people think. When developing stereotypes, one must be able to recognize traits and characteristics of a group. Stereotypes are not permanent and do have the potential to be changed. This process does take time since they are developed through experiences and observation. Individuals are not always aware of their participation in the use of stereotypes. Many people associate individuals with them unconsciously. Stereotypes are not always negative and can often benefit social situations when used in a positive manner. Stereotyping A stereotype is a belief developed regarding people in general. These beliefs result in categorizing people based on assumptions and the beliefs do not allow for individuality. Stereotypes can be positive or negative depending on the situation. These beliefs result from consistent traits that are noticeable in a group and which are easily recognizable. Stereotypes can be changed, but this can take a great amount of time and convincing. Many people have opinions related to stereotypes without the realization...
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...Stereotyping Cheryl Alcala Informal Logic Danika Novak January, 15th 2013 New research out of the University of Toronto Scarborough shows prejudice has a lasting negative impact on those who experience it. Kemick, A. (2010, August 12) It can cause a person to have severe psychological problems after the fact. Not to mention it causes over eating, aggression, and depression. I have found that have several times in my life t not only have I been stereotyped but I have also stereotyped others. Looking back now, I can see that not only was I affected, but also I was affecting others’ lives as well. I will never forget this one time that my family stereotyped me for engaging in a same sex relationship. For me I went through a phase it was nothing more than that, but for my family you would have thought I committed murder. Some of my family stopped talking to me altogether and that caused many problems for me. I became antisocial and depressed. Many times, I did not visit my family at all. This also affected my daughter as well. My daughter did not see the person I was with as a woman all she saw was that she was a parental figure in her life. My daughter was teased UN mercifully and talked down to by my family. I had hoped that as my daughter grew up there would be no lasting effects. Boy was I wrong. My daughter is now 17 and she still talks about that situation. I feel that she now tends to look at me sometimes in a negative way. I also see that it has had some psychological...
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...We live in a society in which, prejudice is learned through observing a society where prejudices exist. A child’s as well as adult’s opinions are influenced by what the people around them think, do and say. Healey in chapter 3, “Prejudice and Discrimination,” educates its readers about how we the people consciously/unconsciously, unfairly blame a person for the action of another person because the way individual portrays his/her-self. The Producer of “Crash” (2004) Paul Haggis visualizes for his audience some of the ways in which people act towards one another without realizing just because he/she may differ from one in race, class, and gender. Unfortunately race, class, and gender still determine till this day how one will be treated in our society. Healey say’s in her text, “People sometime deal with personal failure or disappointment by expressing their anger against a substitute target (or scapegoat), not against the object or person that actually caused their frustration.” Paul Haggis shows in a scene a Persian-man in which can’t fluently speak and understand English, due to his store being vandalized and the insurance company failing to help restore the damage, the Persian man takes his anger out on the innocent locksmith. The locksmith did tell the shop-owner that it is not the lock that is failing to function properly but the door. Because of the Persian man’s limited understanding he failed to realize the real problem. And instead of taking out his anger on the insurance...
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...1. Sean Lang 2. MKT 115 –Sec 770 3. April 27, 2014 4. Gender Stereotyping in Advertisements 5. 1550 6. I am highly motivated, and I am committed to excellence. Advertising Gender Stereotypes Gender Stereotyping in advertisements happen all around us. Whether it is a commercial, billboard or a magazine, advertisements are everywhere. Gender stereotypes happen at an early age that includes children. Children’s advertisements implant the very gender roles that are portrayed in today’s society. Creating specific gender products is also creating large profits for companies. When first thinking of gender stereotyping in advertisements one might think of the negative aspect first and not realize that there are positive ways to advertise to specific genders for purchasing products. By using these gender specific advertisements, companies can sell products more efficiently. Advertising to children at an early age can play a significant role in shaping the expected role for him/her in today’s society. There are many examples that can clearly outline gender stereotyping. In many instances someone might not catch it because it is so normal in today’s culture. Monica Brasted is a psychologist and observed her child when the two of them went to McDonalds one day. Monica’s little girl was upset because she didn’t get the toy she wanted. “When I asked her what was wrong she asked why the woman had given her a care bear when she wanted a transformer” (Brasted). This then brought...
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...It is critical for non-Aboriginal staff to be aware of how we engage and support all cultures including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders because you don’t want to offend them in saying the wrong thing, by judging them or being rude to them. This can include not including them, not caring for their opinion and speaking rudely to them in a forceful tone. Stereotyping can lead to many different and difficult situations for many Aboriginal people. Dealing with Indigenous people it is important to have an understanding of what they would like to be called, shows they don’t want to offend anyone’s feelings by using the correct terminology of words when communicating with others. Using the wrong words can lead to bring up bad memories from...
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...STEREOTYPING OF SEX ROLES IN THREE MODERN ART FORMS In this paper, I will argue that the arts and the media as a whole project demeaning sex roles for women through the process of stereotyping, in which traditionally feminine characteristics are exaggerated and categorized in order to simplify the interpretation of female characters. These stereotypes fall into three broad categories, those of the Good Housewife, the Scarlet Woman, and the Career Woman, none of which represent a fully mature, fully human form of personality development. In describing these basic categories of women found in the media, researchers have found them to be based on a classic opposition of types. For example, the housewife is characterized as being conservative, loyal, and cooperative, if somewhat out of place in the real world: In addition to the traditionally found housewife stereotype, there exists a strong and quite distinctive stereotype of woman as bunny. Bunny is described as glamorous, good-looking, pleasure-loving, romantic, excitable, passionate, frivolous and sensual... a third stereotype is reserved for women who choose activities which carry them beyond the traditional roles which serve men. These women lose their femininity... (Clifton, McGrath, Wick, l976: 144) In this study, we will compare the treatment of these demeaning stereotypes in several of the media that are not usually considered in sex role studies: contemporary works of art, contemporary popular music, and situation-based...
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