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Sterling Regional Medical Center Emergency Department Case Study

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Sterling Regional Medical Center Emergency Department Throughout my three days at Sterling Regional Medical Center (SRMC) in the Emergency Department (ER), I was able to interact with many different individuals and gain experience that will potential help my in my future as a nurse. At the ER I was able to participate in my different cares and activities such as starting and discontinuing intravenous therapy, placing an orogastric tube, straight catherization, and much more. Throughout this clinical, I tried to relate situations to how I would handle them as an License Nurse Practical (LPN). By doing this, I am able to better prepare myself for the situation and for my future, as a LPN and future RN. In the ER, I was able to provide nursing …show more content…
Provide a brief summary of the nursing care observed for patients in the emergency room. In the Emergency room, you never know what kind of day you are going to have. Day one of the ER, I saw a total of three patients all day. In these three patients I was able to see nursing care preformed on a possible seizure, appendicitis and laceration. The nursing care provided on the seizure was to maintain the airway, start an intravenous therapy and start many different lab tests such as computed tomography scan. For the appendicitis we are starting an IV to give fluids due to being dehydrated and watch the doctor preform a appendicitis test on the patent. For the laceration, the nursing care provide was to irrigate the laceration, glue it and provide antibiotics for the patient to go home with. On day two, it was more nursing care preformed. On the day, the ER saw between ten to eleven patient during my time there. Within these eleven patients the nursing care I was able to observe consisted on lacerations to the finger/palm, lacerations to the head, vaccinations, chest pain, upset stomach, abdominal pain, …show more content…
With these transfers I was able to obtain the necessary information needed to transfer a patient to a different unit such as identify of patient, labs, current medication, cares preformed in the ER and history of health. The transfers I was able to take part in were to the baby suite and intensive care unit (ICU). It takes a lot of communication to have a successful transfer into different units. The doctor in the ER, has to communication with the doctor that is now taking over care, and the nurse has to communicate with the other nurse taking over. In the transfer, I was able to take them to their unit, and get them hooked them back up to the necessary machines needed to provide the best care for the patient. Transferring a patient to a different unit take many steps but communication and a detailed report are the most information needed in a transfer. It was interesting to be able to hear a transfer report and gain knowledge on the information needed in to report, to later use in my nursing

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