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Becoming A Nurse

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In order to be able to become a nurse you’d have to either have some sort of experience in nursing and mainly you’d have to gone to college and study/prepare yourself for nursing. You’d also have to have some proved or a diploma to show that you studied in college for nursing. That way you’d most likely be prepared and you’d know the basic but still important stuff about nursing.

Another important thing you’d most likely need to have is a degree in nursing. Preferably a two year degree given by the college you were in. If you have the degree or diploma it would show that you are at least prepared for the beginning. But throughout time you’d learn more of the main things in nursing.

One of the most important things you’ll be needing in …show more content…
That test would ask you questions about what you’ve learned. If you pass the test you’ll be getting a diploma for nursing. If you don’t most likely you’d have to stay and study more.

Another way to be able to be a nurse is by going to a college/university and search them up and see what there really made for. For example (sports, technology, science etc.) you most likely want to find one that has to do with your section. Like I said after graduating from any nursing school you’ve taken you’ll have to take an examination. The examination will be from a specific section of nursing you learned, passing that would now let you move on and when you’re finished with ALL your school for nursing you’d be ready for real nursing.

Being a nurse can influence you in many things (in a good way). For example if one of your family members or even you are sick and you went through ALL that hard work to become a nurse you don’t have to take that person to see a nurse because you’d be one! It would make things easier for you and others. Plus it’s a very good job. It shows how educational and smart you are. Because many people know how much work it is to become a nurse. There are many ways to become a nurse. Just never forget all the hard work will eventually pay

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