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Steroids Should Be Banned

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In recent decades there has been a growing concern among researchers, parents, and the public in general that violent interactive media may incite violence in teens and young adults. Particularly, it has been suggested that violent video games may condition a person to commit atrocities. It's not unreasonable to suspect a correlation between the exposure to violent media and the eventual enactment of violent crime; however, much consideration of variables such as mental illness, physical and mental abuse, and any other variables that would cause an individual to have a predisposition to violence must be done if any position or perspective is to be gained on the issue. A case that has been the center of much controversy regarding video games …show more content…
Many people begin using it to increase their strength and vitality, the side effect being the increased testosterone. Incredibly, a small but significant percentage of teenagers in the grades ranging from eight to twelve have been found to use or have used steroids for the purpose of increasing muscle mass. This percentage may be even higher due to the reluctance of the surveyed to admit to illegal steroid use. Aside from damaging effects to the body, such as organ damage and sterility, steroids have been known to cause random instances of extreme anger – the famous “roid rage”. The stages of steroid use present an interesting dynamic. According to the Medical Journal of Australia, when users first begin to use the drug their moods increase considerably. However, it is also noted that users begin to feel on edge. Eventually, they become poorer at making good decisions. This leads to aggressiveness once dosages reach an apex, at which point definite violent acts manifest. The abuse of other drugs and the effects of those drugs have also been cited as risk factors for violence. It has been found that the rate of violent crime among teen abusers of illegal substances including meth, cocaine, hallucinogens such as LSD, and alcohol was nearly double the rate of violent crime among those that did not use those

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