...Nike Case Study Nike was founded in January 1964 by Bill Bowerman, a track and field coach at the University of Oregon and Phil Knight, a University of Oregon student and middle-distance runner under Bowerman. To satisfy coursework requirements, Knight decided that he would make low cost running shoes in Japan and sell them in the US. He engaged the help of Bowerman who was interested in developing a lightweight running shoe. The business started as Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS). First year sales totalled $8,000. In 1972, BRS introduced a new brand of athletic footwear called Nike, named for the Greek winged goddess of victory and the company was renamed to Nike in 1978. Nike is now the world’s most competitive sports and fitness company. Its headquarters are in Beaverton, Oregon, but the company has expanded its horizons to every corner in the world. The Nike Mission Statement is: “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world”. “If you have a body then you are an athlete” Company Information (http://www.nike.com/nikebiz/nikebiz.jhtml?page=3&item=facts) Employees: Nike employs approximately 29,000 people worldwide. In addition, approximately 650,000 workers are employed in Nike contracted factories around the globe. Revenue FY06: Nike reported net revenues of $15.0 billion, a 9 percent increase from FY05. Stock Symbol: NKE. Went public in December 1980 and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Facilities: Nike owns facilities in Oregon...
Words: 1872 - Pages: 8
...MODULE LEADER : Dr.Vidu Soni MODULE LEADER : Dr.Vidu Soni MODULE NUMBER : MBA7002 MODULE NUMBER : MBA7002 MODULE NAME : Strategic Management MODULE NAME : Strategic Management CARDIFF ROLL NO. : st 20076710 CARDIFF ROLL NO. : st 20076710 BATCH : CMBA’4 BATCH : CMBA’4 ROLL NO. : 1423 ROLL NO. : 1423 STUDENT NAME : DIVYESH KUMAR STUDENT NAME : DIVYESH KUMAR N I K E N I K E Table of Contents Chapter 1…………………………………………………………………...….3 Introduction…….………………………………………………………………...4 Nike’s Journey…….……………………………………………………………...5 Financial Overview…….…………………………………………..……………...6 Chapter 2…………………………………………………………………...….7 Internal & External Environment Analysis…………..……………………………….8 SWOT Analysis………………………………………………………….…….….9 Challenges faced by Nike………………………………………………………….11 Strategic Implemented for Rectification………………………………………….….13 Chapter 3…………………………………………………………………..….16 Leadership Hierarchy……………………………………………………..…...….17 Chapter 4…………………………………………………………….…….….21 Nike Core Competencies…………………………………………………..………22 Value Chain Analysis……………………………………………….…………….24 Chapter 5………………………………………………………………….…..26 Cooperate Governance……………………………………………………………27 BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………..………………………….….30 C C hapter hapter 1 1 Introduction “Everything you need is already inside. Just do it” * Bill Bowerman (Fabrega, n.d.) “NIKE”, one of the most synonymous names with the sporting world, was initially established as Blue Ribbon Shoes in...
Words: 5966 - Pages: 24
...511-060 Nike Football: World Cup 2010 South Africa Nike Football revenue had grown from $40 million in 1994 to more than $1 billion in 2008. In just under 15 years, it had reached a sales level that took some of its competitors over 50 years to achieve. Although not the end goal, the 2010 World Cup was another unique moment in time for Nike to create separation between the company and its competitors. Edwards knew he had to seize this opportunity and pull his team together to deliver a campaign focused on delivering innovative products and compelling consumer experiences. Creating deep consumer connections during the World Cup would be vital for fueling continued growth for Nike football in the years ahead. Football and the FIFA World Cup Some people believe football is a matter of life and death . . . I assure you, it is much more serious than that. — Bill Shankly, Scottish footballer and legendary Liverpool Manager1 Football was a game played between two teams of 11 players each, 10 field players and a goalkeeper per team. The game lasted 90 minutes, consisting of two 45-minute halves of running time. It was played with a round ball, on a rectangular grass field (often referred to as the “pitch”) with a goal on either end. Excluding the goalkeeper, the ball was controlled only with the feet, legs, torso and head (the use of hands or arms was prohibited) and the team scoring the most goals by the end of the game was the winner. Football was the most popular...
Words: 12785 - Pages: 52
...Nike: A Look Inside | June 22 2010 | By Bobby Bedsole, Matt Currie, & Brady Stoker | [Type the document subtitle] | Table of Contents Executive Summery External Analysis 1) Industry/Competition- Five Forces Current Rivalry opportunities/ Threats Potential Entrant Opportunities/ Threats Bargaining Power of Buyer Opportunities/ Threats Bargaining Power of Supplier Opportunities/ threats Substitute Products Opportunities/ Threats 2) General External Environment General Economic Opportunities/ Threats Demographic Opportunities/ Threats Sociocultural Opportunities/ Threats Political-Legal Opportunities/ Threats Technological Opportunities/ Threats Internal Analysis 1) Capabilities Assessment 2) Assessing the Primary Activities in the Value Chain a) Inbound and outbound Logistics b) Marketing c) Production Support Activities in the Value Chain a) Technological Development b) Human Relations Management c) Firm Infrastructure 3) Internal Audit of Functional Areas a) Management b) Information Systems c) Research and Development Financial Analysis- Conclusion Executive Summary Nikes Mission Statement: Our goal is to carry on his legacy of innovative thinking, whether to develop products that help athletes of every level of ability reach their potential, or to create business opportunities that set Nike apart from the competition and provide value for our shareholders...
Words: 13360 - Pages: 54
...PARTEA 1 MANAGEMENTUL MARKETINGULUI – CE ESTE ªI CUM TREBUIE ÎNÞELES CAPITOLUL 1 DEFINIREA MARKETINGULUI PENTRU SECOLUL XXI ÎN ACEST CAPITOL VOM ABORDA URMÃTOARELE CHESTIUNI: 1. De ce este important marketingul? 2. Care este sfera de acÆiune a marketingului? 3. Care sunt conceptele fundamentale ale marketingului? 4. Cum s-a schimbat managementul marketingului? 5. Care sunt activitåÆile absolut necesare pentru un management de succes al marketingului? Marketingul este peste tot. În mod formal sau informal, oamenii çi organizaÆiile desfåçoarå un mare numår de activitåÆi care s-ar putea numi „marketing“. Marketingul bine fåcut a devenit din ce în ce mai mult o componentå vitalå pentru succesul în afaceri. Çi ne influenÆeazå profund viaÆa de zi cu zi. Marketingul este înglobat în tot ceea ce facem: de la hainele cu care ne îmbråcåm, la site-urile Web pe care intråm çi la reclamele pe care le vedem! ouå adolescente intrå în cafeneaua Starbucks din cartierul lor. Una se duce la tejghea çi-i då barmanului carduri pentru douå ceçti de cafea cu lapte çi mentå gratuite, lângå care cumpårå çi câteva produse de patiserie. Cealaltå se açazå la o maså çi-çi deschide laptopul Apple PowerBook. În câteva secunde, s-a conectat la Internet, graÆie acordului încheiat de Starbucks cu T-mobile pentru crearea unei reÆele de conectare fårå fir, HotSpots, în peste o mie de localuri Starbucks. Odatå intratå pe Net, fata tasteazå în motorul de cåutare Google numele formaÆiei care interpreteazå...
Words: 48572 - Pages: 195