...When first embarking on the Stocktrak site I must admit I had very little experience with investing of any real kind. I was an amateur and I thought it would be a fun way to learn a little bit about the market and myself in how I might approach looking at investing and the kind of approach I would take. From the start I took a rather conservative approach to the entire thing. I roughly made about one trade a week and even didn’t make a trade in a week at all. Granted in a market that’s down a bit to maximize my earnings that might not have been the best approaches as the market didn’t not vary a whole lot, at least for what I had invested in, but I will get to that later. As far as what I hoped to get as a rough expected return was about 5-10%. I was hoping to make some money within the game but also not expecting huge profits based on the current financial climate and the amount of trading and effort put in for my more conservative portfolio. That return I was hoping to realize in the 10-week holding period but looking at it now with a change in the climate in future months it might be more realizable in an annualized holding period. Some constraints that I took into consideration while doing this project are not very severe and don’t entail a whole lot. When I took this project on I didn’t particularly see the 10 weeks as the final see all. I did not go and put all 500,000 directly into the market even though I used most of it. It was more long term probably closer to a...
Words: 2235 - Pages: 9
...lykkelig gift; fader til seks vakre børn, af hvilke de to ældste sønner allerede var i vej, den ældste datter forenet med en brav embedsmand, den næstefter nylig konfirmeret, og de to yngste 10 og 12 år gamle. Han var dertil formuende, holdt et gæstfrit hus, og var en altid munter og behagelig selskabsmand. Han havde nået sit otte og fyrretyvende år, og aldrig været syg. Pludselig lød rygtet, at han var bleven upasselig. Hans patienter ventede en hel dag forgæves. Man lod spørge til ham, man kom for at besøge ham – han tog ikke mod nogen: enten hed det, at doktoren sov, eller at han ikke var så vel, at han kunne se nogen. Byens anden læge blev vel – ikke kaldet – men dog indladt. Når man spurgte ham om doktor L*s befindende, trak han på skuldrene, rystede med hovedet, og erklærede, at han ikke kendte hans sygdom. Lægemidler ville han aldeles ikke bruge. Jeg, hans præst, var den eneste, som han havde daglig og længe hos sig. Børnene kunne han ikke lide at se; når nogen af dem kom ind, vendte han sig om til væggen. Således lå han i otte dage; den niende skød han sig. – Da den anden læge erklærede, at han havde aflivet sig i et ·delirium, blev han hæderligen begravet. Jeg ville have talt nogle ord over hans grav; men...
Words: 8539 - Pages: 35