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Storm Dancer Analysis

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It happens to EVERY writer and it hurts you to see someone talk like that about your baby, err novel… At first, you just sit there, stunned. Unable to believe anyone would take such offence. Shock. Anger. Don’t panic. Negative book reviews, especially those that are potentially malicious, are near the top list of nightmare scenarios for every writer. You have been putting your heart and soul into pursuing your passion. So it is understandable when you would like to act first in the face of negativity and have regrets later. Please don’t! Hold your tongue.

It makes no difference if you won the Pulitzer Price, or if you teach English in high school classes, or how many books you have sold. Check it out, many negative reviews show up on Bestseller …show more content…
Such as the stupidities for her highly popular novel Storm Dancer (dark epic fantasy novel). “This book is too long. I had to spend many hours reading it. I’m busy and have other things to do.” “The character of Queen Matilda is not believable”. Well, there’s no Queen Matilda in the book…

Digital Book World listed snippets from Bestseller reviews:
“It was one of the most boring and shallow books that I have ever read.” Review of the American classic The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

“Not nearly enough consistency and far to [sic] little plot.” Review of Harry Potter And the Half Blood Prince by J. K. Rowling

“If I were you, I’d peruse it briefly at your neighborhood library before putting hard-earned money out.” Review of the children’s classic A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’Engle

“Superficial, shallow, boring and inconsistent.This was easily the most overrated book of 2013.” —The Goldfinch by Donna Tart, a real Bestseller and Pulitzer Prize Winner.
Find more Bashing Reviews of Classic Books, that are bestsellers and award-winners.

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...original edition)(Revised and reissued 1992)[Version 2.0 by Bbat – august 4 2003][Easy read, easy print][Completely new scan]The Hunter was born to hunt,as his prey was born to bebrought down at his desire . . .Sara Laramie moved through the iron castings in the foundry yard, keeping low so that she was at all times concealed from view. The Hunter Relemar was in pursuit of her. She did not know that he was a Hunter; it was obvious, however, that he was differ-ent from other naoli.Deep scream, lovely scream, wanting out . . . She reached the thousand gallon storage tank in which she now made her home. She pulled open the entry plate (it squeaked; Relemar listened for squeaks) and went inside. Behind her, there was a scraping noise . . . Rats, she thought, lighting the glow lamp. The tank brightened to a warm yellow.“Hello,” said Relemar the Hunter. He was trying to smile.This time, she did not suppress the scream . . . BEASTCHILD IS FORLISA TUTTLEAND DANNY JENNINGSAND JACK CORDESAND FOR THE USPOWHICH INTRODUCED USscience fiction by Dean R. Koontzavailable in Lancer editionsTHE DARK SYMPHONY, 74-621HELL'S GATE, 74-656 BeastchildDean R. KoontzLANCER BOOKS NEW YORK A LANCER BOOKBEASTCHILDThe characters in this book are entirely imaginary and have no relation to any living person.Copyright © 1970 by Dean R. KoontzA substantially shorter version of this novel appeared in Venture Science Fiction Copyright © 1970 by Mercury Press, Inc.LANCER BOOKS, INC. • 1560 BROADWAYNEW...

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