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Stormwater Planter Research Paper

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Stormwater Planters
Stormwater planters are another efficient method of managing stormwater runoff . Stormwater planters are areas which consist of contained vegetation. These areas collect and treat stormwater using a process known as bioretention. Similar permeable pavements, planters create a filtration process for stormwater runoff which prevents contaminants and sedimentation from traveling with the runoff. This filtration process is known as bioretention. The stormwater is filtered through layers of different soil and plant systems that separate the pollutants, such as bacteria, nitrogen and oils, from the treated runoff water. This water can either be infiltrated into the groundwater, or released into a stormwater drainage system. …show more content…
It is essential however, that the design of stormwater planters consists of many layers. A permeable liner, such as geotextile should line the planter from the bottom to the top. Above the liner, a layer of gravel and a layer of soil should be placed. In the layer of soil the owner can decide what type what specific plants they would like to install. It is more common to see shrubs and plants native to the area. Though not as common, some may choose to plant trees to fit their aesthetic. There are two system stormwater planters may be designed to fit, as illustrated in Figure 7. The first system, is as an infiltration planter. This system releases the filtered runoff as groundwater into the ground. The second system is a Flow-Through planter. This system releases the runoff into a stormwater drainage …show more content…
First and foremost, these planters reduce the amount of untreated stormwater runoff. Since, the runoff water is filtered through the vegetation, the percentage of outside contaminations is significantly reduced. Therefore, the runoff water is able to recharge the groundwater table. In concentrated cities where there vegetation is limited, stormwater planters may add an aesthetic value to the surrounding area. These areas can also provide habitats for wildlife to utilize for safety and/or shelter. Lastly, the stormwater planters are versatile. Stormwater planters can be modified for any space that is available. There is no predetermined amount of space that is needed, which makes them easy to incorporate without having to change landscaping layout.
Costs may vary when installing a stormwater planter. The price of installation is contingent on the materials used for the stormwater system. As a rule of thumb, the average initial cost of installing a stormwater planter is about $8 per square foot. The cost of maintaining the planter is approximately $1 per square foot. Upkeep of the planter is comparable to a regular garden. Regular maintenance, such as pulling weeds and pruning the existing foliage, should be done on a regular

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