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Story Analysis: We Re Good People Now

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We’re Good People Now

The story that went around The Starshine Village-
Have you ever heard of the Dungeon Eaters?
The Dungeon Eaters were living in the Isshu forest they are a group of clowns who appear every October 31st offering people money to come to their underground house in the darkest part of the forest. They wait for you to get tired then offer you a bed to sleep.
Once there was trusting teenager that was running in the Isshu Forest.
Until he was stopped by a clown that offered him to come to his house in the forest.
The boy blacked out for a while, when he awoke the young adult notices that he was in as bed he had never seen before it smelled foul a scent he would never soon forget he noticed that the bed smelled …show more content…
This light reminds the poor adolescent of the night his father was murdered and his mother was kidnapped.
Then he faints when he awakens he sees a clown in his face with a red substance on a black stick.
The young adult looked down and saw a dark red liquid ooze through his white shirt.
The punctured young adult looked at the clown’s face and heard three words Njihelego.
In his village it was a code for run, but the young adult realized the clown did not say to run.
His face turned white with fear as hear a B A N G.
The young adult eyes closed and his face was covered in little red dots.
Which reminded him of his father.
The Blood splashed in the boy’s face.
The Scream his captor screamed sounded like the same scream his dad screamed.
The Blood gushing out of the body, it is all the same way his father bled out.
The entire thing just reminded him of that day.
When his frozen face finally looked up he saw not a registered killer, not a parent, or clown but his best friend Rebecca the same person that found him in the house of his murdered father and his mother gone.
After the two caught eachothers eyes the only the young adult could form was …show more content…
They knew some were still alive.
The tale of the Dungeon Eaters was a real and scary one if it was not for Rebecca saving him the boy would have been devoured and never seen again.

3 Years Later
December 14, 2014

It’s All My Fault.
It’s Always My Fault. It’s always My Fault. Always My Fault.
No It’s All Her Fault.
This was all our faults.
We killed him we were all here and watched him die so we’re all at fault.
Let’s just get rid of the friggin body.
We can burn the house down.

Do you really believe this will work?
It should… get rid of the DNA and if the house collapses on him.
It would be close to impossible to identify him.
If we do this none of us can disagree.
Just do it.
Before his wife gets home.
OK it’s set the fire started we need to get out of here now.
5 Months Earlier
July 3rd, 2014
15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Happy Independence Day Everyone.
Congratulations for the first time everyone in my school has passed the class.
So for you all your hard work here’s a drink everyone has their own bottle.
As it is Independence Day you may leave when you want but make sure you sign out on the sheet.
Bottles all

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