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Strategic Management


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Learning Skills Unit
Academic Preparation Program

Harvard Referencing Workbook
Author - Date

Revised 22/5/12 by KMcK, JD, ERP, BRK & RJL saved as G:\Departments\LSU\Projects and Operations\LSU Workshops\T2 2012\Referencing T1 2012\LSU Harvard Referencing Master T2 12 v1.1

This resource has been developed by the LSU, CQU-SIC. It is not a substitute for the official CQU guide and should be used in conjunction with the official CQU guide and specific instructions in course profiles. The CQU official guide to referencing is available online at: .

Academic writing must use referencing. Harvard Referencing involves:
1. In-text Referencing, which provides information about the source material of direct quotations and paraphrases within the body of your assignment; and 2. Reference list of sources. This is an alphabetical list of all the books, articles and electronic sources that you have referred to within the body of your assignment. The Reference list is the final page of your assignment. Quotations and the Reference list are not included in your word count. Paraphrases can make up approximately 30-40% of your whole text. The rest of your text (60-70%) should be your own arguments or ‘point of view’ stated in your own words. You should develop this point of view by continuing study in lectures and tutorials, as well as wide reading of relevant source material in the form of journal articles, textbooks, websites, study guides and so on. Avoid Plagiarism: You must acknowledge the source of your information. If you copy the words, phrases, sentences or paragraphs of another author without indicating that these words are quotations, then you are plagiarising. If you take an idea from another author without referencing the paraphrase, then you are plagiarising. If you do not acknowledge the source of your information, this may be seen as plagiarism: you will be awarded 0 marks, you will fail your assignment and it may lead to your expulsion from the University. Footnotes and endnotes: Footnotes are explanations of details or comments about a particular point that are placed at the bottom of the page. They are used in order to avoid distracting the reader from the flow of information in the text. Use superscripts to signal footnotes, like this1 :

To make superscript in Word, highlight the numeral and under Font tick the superscript box. Alternatively you can use the Insert Reference function on Word. Endnotes differ from footnotes in that they are grouped at the end of the book, chapter or article.

1. In-text referencing
   You must provide an in-text reference for all direct quotations and paraphrases. All in-text references need the name/s of the author/s and year of publication. Direct quotations (or ‘quotes’) also need a page number.


The purpose of in-text referencing is to lead the reader to the full details of the source text given in the Reference list: In-text reference for quotation (Nash 1990, p. 24) (with a page number).
Nash, R 1990, The rights of nature, Primavera Press, Sydney.

Reference list entry

Note about author/s: There may be more than one author of a source (or text), or the author may be a corporation, organisation or Government Department. For individual author/s, use the family name/s only for an in-text reference. If there is no author, use the Journal Title for an online article, the ‘Web page title’ or the Website title (if no Web page), or the ‘Article title’ for a printed journal or magazine article. 1.1 Direct quotations   Copying the words from a source (book/journal/website etc.) A direct quotation requires the name of author/s (family name/s only for individual/s), year of publication and page number. (See note above about author/s.)

For short quotations (quotations less than 30 words)  Use single quotation marks around the quotations and then follow with your in-text reference, which includes author/s, year and page number in brackets  Incorporate the quote into your sentence by beginning the sentence with your own words:
Evidence suggests that ‘writing pedagogy may be successfully integrated into instruction within a particular discipline area’ (Allen & Rochecouste 1997, p. 12).

Alternatively, you may refer to the author/s in the sentence and include the year and page number in the brackets that follow:
Allen and Rochecouste (1997, p. 12) suggest that ‘writing pedagogy may be successfully integrated into instruction within a particular discipline area’.

For long quotations (quotations longer than 30 words)  Start on a new line and do not use quotation marks.  Use a smaller font size (eg. font size 11 if your main font size is 12).  Indent 1 cm from right and left margins.
Anorexia nervosa can be defined as follows:
Anorexia nervosa is a disorder characterized by deliberate weight loss, induced and/or sustained by the patient. The disorder occurs most commonly in adolescent girls and young women, but adolescent boys and young men may be affected more rarely (World Health Organization 1992, pp. 24-25)

This essay discusses the eating patterns of …

1. 2 Paraphrasing   Paraphrasing means summarising information in your own words. You can either provide an in-text reference directly after the information with the name/s of author/s (see note about author/s at top of page) and year of publication,
However, context will need to be considered when choosing between two or more equally accurate variants (Raimes 1990).

or include the author’s name in the sentence and place the year in the brackets.
However, as Raimes (1990) argues, context will need to be considered when choosing between two or more equally accurate variants.

1.3 In-text referencing for Web pages of Websites      Look for the author/s – this may be one or more people, a company, an organisation or a Government Department. If there is no author, write the ‘Document or Page title’ in single quotation marks. If this is unavailable, write the Title of the website in italics. Include the year of publication or last update. This may be at the bottom of the page, often near a copyright symbol ©. If there is no date, write ‘n.d.’. If necessary, indicate page numbers by using, for example, page 3 of 4. To see the page numbers, click on [File] then [Print Preview] while in Internet Explorer. Do not use the URL (web address) for your in-text reference.
Fosters is ‘one of the world’s leading brewers and wine producers, employing more than 14,000 people’ (Fosters 2000, p. 3 of 4). As shown on ‘Famili Kami’ (n.d.), family photos can be posted on the Internet.

1.4 Multiple authors of a text   Authors should be listed in the order they appear on the title page. If two or three authors, include all authors’ family names when you refer to the text. If writing the authors’ names in the brackets, use ‘&’ between the last and second last names in your in-text reference. If including the authors’ names in the sentence, use ‘and’ between the last and second last names.
It has been argued that E-commerce makes the issue of international business law more complex (Zugelder, Flaherty & Johnson 2000). Wright and Noe (1996) explain that organisational structure needs to support the organisation’s strategy in order to maintain competitive advantage.

If four or more authors, use the author’s name that appears first on the title page + ‘et al.’ (and others). For example, the four authors of Management: A Pacific Rim Focus, 2nd edn, are Bartol, Martin, Tein and Matthews, but only the first author’s name + ‘et al.’ is used in the in-text reference:

In more diverse organisations, change tends to occur more slowly and allows the various functions to coordinate their activities (Bartol et al. 1998).

If there are several texts with the same first author, all authors should be given in-text to avoid confusion. (Do not use ‘et al.’ in this case.)

1. 5 Multiple works by the same author Multiple works by the same author, but published in different years are listed chronologically, oldest first.  Multiple works by the same author that are published in the same year are distinguished by adding letters (a, b, c, d, etc.) to the year. The letter added to each work is determined by the alphabetical order in the Reference list, so Felstead (2000a) will appear before Felstead (2000b). 1. 6 More than one source for the same idea  Name the author and year of each source, and separate them by a semicolon in the intext reference, or refer to them separately. (Alphabetise according to authors’ names.)
Various studies (Blakely 1993; Johnson 1995; Larsen 1995) have shown that . . . Blakely (1993), Johnson (1995) and Larsen (1995) have shown that . . .

1.7 Unpublished sources: print materials  Lecture handouts/print materials (unpublished) You need to include details of Lecture handouts both in the Reference list and in-text. Write the Lecturer’s name and/or the year in brackets.
It is expected the first teaching day may result in mixed emotions (Thompson 2001).

Papers presented at a conference or seminar (unpublished) You need to include details of presenter’s notes both in the Reference list and in-text. Write the author’s name and/or the year + ‘unpub.’ in brackets.
According to Callaghan, McPhail and Yau (1994, unpub.) there is… It has been suggested (Callaghan, McPhail & Yau 1994, unpub.) that …

1.8 Unpublished sources: Lecturer’s statements and non-print materials  You do not need to include non-print lecture materials in the Reference list but you MUST include the following details in-text: Lecturer’s full name, Unit name, Place of presentation, and full date.
In a lecture, Introductory Science 52613, presented at Central Queensland University, Mackay, on 17 April 2001, Dr J. Watson suggested that…. Dr Jean Watson (Lecture in Introductory Science 52613, presented at Central Queensland University, Mackay, on 17 April 2001) suggested that …


1. 9 Unpublished sources: personal communication (e.g. discussion, e-mail, or interview)  This includes discussion with managers, lecturers, experts and so on.  Personal communications are not included in the Reference list, but MUST be referenced in-text, including the name, full date and description of the communication.
In an e-mail communication on 6 March 2001, Geoff Dixon, Chief Executive Officer of Qantas, explained … Evidence given (Dixon, G 2001, email, 5 March) … In an interview conducted on 19 July 1999, Dr B. Brown said … Evidence given (Petty, H 1999, pers. comm., 17 July) …

1.10 Secondary source: the author you are reading refers to another author  Sometimes you may be reading a source that refers to the idea of another author (‘primary source’). The source you are using is then called a ‘secondary source’.  If you wish to refer to this idea, you must use both sources in your in-text referencing, but include only the secondary source (that you are reading) in the Reference list. primary source – intext only
Stone (1983, cited in Woods, Rowan & McGrath 2001, pp. 7-6) stated that… However, ‘the length and structure of the sentences used determines rhythm in prose’ (Stone 1983, cited in Woods, Rowan & McGrath 2001, pp. 7-6). secondary source –

1.11 Abbreviations edition: edn editor: ed. 1.12 Minimal capitalisation      editors: eds no date: n.d. volume: vol. issue number: no.

include in Reference list page: p. pages: pp.

Unless otherwise directed in your course profile, use minimal capitalisation. Capitalise only the first word in the title of a book, chapter or journal article. Do not capitalise the word following a colon (:) unless it is a proper noun. Capitalise authors’ names and initials and Publishing Firms. Use maximal capitalisation for titles of Journals, Magazines and Newspapers (Periodicals): capitalise every word in the title apart from conjunctions (but, and, or), prepositions (for, of, on, to) and articles (a, an, the).


1.13 An example of in-text referencing year author’s family name


quote – using single quotation marks

The essay in its traditional form has a simple structure: introduction, body, and conclusion. It is expected to be written in Standard English with grammatical accuracy. However, as Raimes (1990) argues, context will need to be considered when choosing between two or more equally accurate variants. Evidence suggests that ‘writing pedagogy may be successfully integrated into instruction within a particular discipline area’ (Allen & Rochecouste 1997, p. 12). page number for quotation Teachers may find it worthwhile to encourage students to work towards distant as well as immediate goals. That students will need competent communication skills in their future professional lives has been emphasised by numerous professional bodies. Introducing students to entertaining ways of extending their own knowledge may provide additional motivation. For example, there are resources now available, which encourage independent learning (NCELTR 2000).

no page number for paraphrase

NCELTR is the acronym or abbreviation for the National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research, which is the organization or author being referred to. In the Reference list this text will be shown as: National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research (NCELTR) 2000, ‘Resource Centre: ESL on the Net’, NCELTR, viewed 24 March 2001, .


2. The Reference list
2.1 General rules to follow when writing a Reference list:    Start a new page. This is the final page of your assignment and it provides all the details necessary to locate the sources referred to in your assignment. The title Reference list should be in the same font size as your text (12pt), but bold, and justified to the left margin. Most entries should begin with the Family name/s of the author/s, or the author may be an Organisation, Company or Government Department. If there is no author (no person/s, Organisation, Company nor Government named), check the table below to find the order of information for the type of text you are using. List sources/texts in alphabetical order. Use single line spacing and separate each reference with a single line space. Unless otherwise directed, use Minimal Capitalisation: see 1.12 on page 6. Use italics for the names of published materials, such as book titles, journal titles, newspaper titles and website titles. Use single quotation marks for the names of chapters, articles, and web pages. Do not use italics or quotation marks for unpublished print sources such as Lecture notes and papers presented at a conference or seminar. Do not add ‘Co.’, ‘Inc.’ or ‘Pty Ltd’ to the name of the publisher ‘Source’ means the text (book, journal article, web site, etc.) you are using. Sources that are not referred to in your assignment are not included in the Reference list. You can list other research materials used in preparation, but not cited in your assignment, in a Bibliography, which is presented using the same format as a Reference list. You should only use a Bibliography if requested.

        

Published print source

Instructions and examples for Reference list
Author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + Book title in italics, + edition number (if applicable), + Publisher, + City of publication.

Nash, R 1990, The rights of nature, Primavera Press, Sydney. Bartol, K, Martin, D, Tein, M & Matthews, G 1998, Management: a Pacific Rim focus, 2nd edn, McGraw Hill, Sydney. Journal or Magazine article with author/s
Author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + ‘Title of article in single quotation marks’, + Title of Journal in Italics, + volume and issue/number or date, + page numbers.

Dewhirst, C 1986, ‘Hot air over the Himalayas’, World Geographic, vol.1, no. 4, pp. 34-38. Journal or Magazine article: individual author/s unknown
‘Title of article in single quotation marks’ + year, + Title of Journal in Italics, + volume and issue/number or date, + page numbers.

‘Building theories on sand’ 1999, Science, vol. 285, no. 2, pp. 520525.


Newspaper article with author/s

Author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + ‘Title of article in single quotation marks’, + Title of Newspaper in Italics, + date, + page numbers.

Warren, M 2007, ‘Kyoto targets flouted’, Australian, 21November, p.3. CQU study guide If no individual author/s, use Central Queensland University (CQU) as author. Revised study guide
Author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + Unit number + Unit name: + study guide, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton.

Fisher, J 2009, HLTH12029 Mental health promotion: study guide , CQUniversity, Rockhampton.
List under original author’s name; acknowledge reviser after title: Original author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + Unit number + Unit name: + study guide, + rev. + revising author/s (initial/s for given names + family name), Central Queensland University, Rockhampton.

Higgins, E 2000, 25142 Introductory and Contract Law: study guide, rev. R Fisher, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton. Reading from CQU book of resource materials
Write the reference for the reading, including the page numbers + in + the reference for the Resource Materials book.

Pearn, M & Kandola, R 1998, ‘The ten most useful JTR methods’, Job analysis, Institute of Personnel & Development, London, pp. 15-65 in HRMT19012 Performance management resource materials book, 2002, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton.
Author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + ‘Title of chapter in single quotation marks’ + in + editor/s (initial/s for given names + family name) + (ed.) + Book title in italics, + edition number (if applicable), + Publisher, + City of publication, + page numbers.

Chapter in an edited book

Woodward, S 1991, ‘Competitive marketing’ in D Cowley (ed.), Understanding brands, Kogan Page, London, pp. 185-214. Government publication with author/s
Author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + Publication title in italics, + edition number (if applicable), + Publisher, + City of publication.

Rilling, N, Johnston, A & Fox, FL 1990, Trees and shrubs of Australia, 6th edn, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. Government publication: individual author/s unknown
Government Department + (acronym in brackets) + year, + Publication title in italics, + Publisher, + City of publication.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 1999, Tourist accommodation Australia, June quarter, ABS, Canberra. Australian Department of Foreign Affairs (ADFA) 1998, Annual report 1998, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.


Unpublished source
Lecture notes (unpublished)

Instructions and examples for Reference list
Author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + Title of notes, + Lecture notes distributed in the course + Unit name and number + at Central Queensland University,+ Place of presentation + on day month year. Note: no italics or quotation marks for titles.

Thompson, R 2001, The first day experience, Lecture notes distributed in the course Professional practice III, 48314 at Central Queensland University, Bundaberg on 21 April 2001. Paper presented at a conference or seminar (unpublished)
Author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + Title of paper, + paper presented at + Conference title in italics, + Place of presentation. Note: no quotation marks for Title of paper.

Callaghan, MB, McPhail, J & Uau, OH 1994, The theoretical development for relationship marketing orientation within Australian business, paper presented at Asia Pacific business in the year 2000, Beijing.

Audio-visual source

Instructions and examples for Reference list
Title of film in italics + year, + motion picture, + Publisher/ Distributor, + City of publication.

The reluctant mountain 1976, motion picture, Australian Instructional Films for Peko-Wallsend, Sydney. Television broadcast (For other forms of multimedia, indicate the medium used, such as radio broadcast, or sound recording.) Encyclopaedia entry on CD-ROM with individual author/s
‘Broadcast title in single quotation marks’ + year, + Series title in italics, + television broadcast + Broadcaster, + date.

‘Emission impossible’ 1999, Four Corners, television broadcast, ABC Television, 8 November.

Author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + ‘Page title in single quotation marks’ (if appropriate), + CD-ROM title in italics + (CDROM).

Harrison, A 1996, ‘Global warming’, Microsoft Encarta 96 Encyclopaedia, (CD-ROM).

Specialised source

Instructions and examples for Reference list
Author+ year of blog post,+’ the title of blog post’+ a description of the type of blog post+date of the post+the date viewed+the URL. The Elegant Variation 2008, ‘The heat breaks’, blog post, 23 June, viewed 24 June, Author+year,+wiki title,+wiki,+date viewed,+URL.

Wiki (avoid using Wikis as they are not considered academic Kiff, J 2006, Paper 1:Joe’s smile: a model for thinking about clinical resources and can be psychology, wiki, viewed 28 January 2009, easily altered)

Online Journal Articles
What to look for when using an online journal article:  Author’s name (may be company, organisation or government department name) If no author, use the Journal Title in italics.  Year the article was published. This is usually the date the journal was published.  Article title: this appears at the top of the article you are reading.  Journal Title: this is the title of the entire online magazine or journal, often at the top of the page you are using or after the article title.  Volume number (vol.), issue number (iss. or no.), and page number/s (p. or pp.).  Database Title, such as Ebschost, Infotrac, Emerald, or WebSPIRS, if you used a database to find the article. If you did not access the article from a database you will also need:  View date: the date you accessed the information.  URL: full internet address including http://www.

Online Journal articles
Journal article with author/s, accessed via an Electronic Database such as Ebscohost, Emerald, Infotrac, WebSPIRS. Journal article (individual author/s unknown), accessed via an Electronic Database such as ProQuest, Emerald, Infotrac, WebSPIRS. Online Journal Article with author/s

Instructions and examples for Reference list
Author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + ‘Article title in single quotation marks’, + Journal Title in Italics, + volume + number + page number/s, + (online Database Title).

Fairhurst, GT 2008, ‘Discursive leadership: a communication alternative to leadership psychology,’ Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 510-521, (online Ebscohost).
Journal Title in Italics + year, + ‘Article title in single quotation marks’, + volume + issue number &/or date + page number/s, + (online Database Title). Human Resource Management International Digest 2008, ‘Happy employees have a good work-life balance’, vol. 16, no. 6, pp.27-28, (online Emerald). Author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + ‘Article title in single quotation marks’, + Journal Title in Italics, + volume + number + page number/s, + viewed day month year, + complete URL underlined.

James, D 2004, ‘Digging for those elusive truths’, BRW, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 45-46, viewed 9 September 2004, . Online journal article: individual author/s unknown
Journal Title in Italics year, + ‘Article title in single quotation marks’, + volume + number + page number/s, + viewed day month year, + complete URL underlined.

E-Commerce Times 2000, ‘Dot Com layoffs continue surge’, vol. 6, no. 2, pp.3-4, viewed 2 November 2002,


Journal article from CQUinversity Course Resources Online

Author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + ‘Article title in single quotation marks’, + Journal Title in Italics, + volume + number + page number/s, CQUniversity Course Resources Online (course id.) Watkins, D & Langford, J 2007, “A new phase in Australia’s double tax agreements’, Taxation in Australia,vol. 42, no. 2, pp.30-35, CQUniversity Course Resources Online, (LAWS19034).


Web pages, websites and the Internet
What to look for on an Internet site:  Author’s name (may be company, organisation or Government Department name) If no author, use ‘Web page title’ in single quotation marks. If this is also unavailable, use Website title in italics.  Year the document or web page was created or last modified. This may be at the bottom of the page near a copyright symbol ©. If no date, use ‘n.d.’.  Web page title: this appears at the top of the page you are using.  Website title: this is the title of the entire website, often at the top of the page you are using or on the homepage of the website.  View date: the date you accessed the information.  URL: full address of web page including http://www.

Internet source Instructions and examples for Reference list
Author/s (family name + initial/s for given names) + year, + ‘Web page title Website with individual author/s in single quotation marks’ (if appropriate), + Website title in italics, + viewed day month year, complete URL underlined.

Kennedy, I 2004, ‘An assessment strategy to help forestall plagiarism problems’, Studies in learning evaluation innovation and development, vol. 1, no. 1, viewed 30 September 2009, Website, individual author/s unknown: use organisation, company, or Government Department author Website, no known author/s: use Web page title.
Always check the validity of a source with no author/s. Organisation/company/Government author +year, + ‘Web page title in single quotation marks’ (if appropriate), + Website title in italics, + viewed day month year, complete URL underlined.

Qantas Airways Limited n.d., ‘Corporate governance’, Qantas, viewed 7 October 2009,
‘Web page title in single quotation marks’ + year, + Website title in italics, + viewed day month year + complete URL underlined.

‘Famili Kami’ n.d., Family Thanksgiving, viewed 25 February 2005, .

Website, no known Website title in italics + year, + viewed day month year, + complete URL underlined. author/s, no specific Web page: The Aphex twin dance n.d., viewed 24 February 2005, use Website title . Social networking AUTHOR(S) (Year) Title of page. [Title of web site] Day/month of sites (Facebook, posted message. Available from: web address. [Date accessed]. Twitter, Bebo etc) JONES, S. (2009) Referencing Group. [Facebook] 5th May. Available from: [Accessed 09/05/09].


Online newspaper article with author/s

Author or corporate author, Year. Title of document or page. Name of newspaper, [online] Additional date information. Available at: web address. [Accessed date]. Chittenden, M., Rogers, L. and Smith, D., 2003. Focus: ‘Targetitis ails NHS. Times Online, [online]1 June. Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2005]. The Artist (if known), Year of publication (if there is no author, year should follow the title), Title of image, or a description in italics. Year of publication. [Online image]. Available at: URL [Accessed date]. Lee, R. (1940) Rodeo at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair. [online image]. Available at: [Accessed 18 August 2008].

nline images



SAMPLE ONLY: Do not include this column in your assignment. Govt body, catalogue number available, no author Book; multiple authors Newspaper article Book; two authors Journal article Journal article from Electronic Database Multiple authors, journal article Revised study guide study guide Edited book – whole book Internet – organization as author Government publication

Reference list

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 1997, Australian Economic Indicators, Dec. 1997, Cat. no. 1350.0, ABS, Canberra.

Bartol, K, Martin, D, Tein, M & Matthews, G 1998, Management: a Pacific Rim focus, 2nd edn, McGraw Hill, Sydney. Bock, J 1987, ‘Down and out in Dubbo’, Weekend Australian Magazine, 7-8 February, p. 2. Butler, JD & Walbert, G 1986, Abortion, medicine and the law, Facts on File Publications, New York. Dewhirst, C 1986, ‘Hot air over the Himalayas’, World Geographic, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 34-38.

Gillespie, NC, Lewis, RJ, Pearn, JH, Bourke, AC, Holmes, MJ, Bourke, JB & Shields, WJ 1986, ‘Ciguatera in Australia’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 145, no. 11-12, pp. 584-590.

Higgins, E 2000, 25142 Introductory and Contract Law: study guide, rev. R Fisher, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton. Lister, J 2001, TOUR19016 Thematic tourism: study guide, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton. Moore, LF & Jennings, PD (eds) 1995, Human resources management on the Pacific rim, Walter de Gruyter, New York. National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research (NCELTR) 2000, ‘Resource Centre: ESL on the Net’, NCELTR, viewed 24 March 2001, . Office for the Status of Women (OFSW) 1981, Fair exposure, AGPS, Canberra. Westphal, JD & Bednar, MK 2005, ‘Pluralistic ignorance in corporate boards and firms’ strategic persistence in response to low firm performance’, Administrative Science Quarterly,vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 262-298, (online Ebscohost).

Chapter in an edited book

Woodward, S 1991, ‘Competitive marketing’ in D Cowley (ed.), Understanding brands, Kogan Page, London, pp. 185-214.


Model : Referencing different sources
Nash, R 1990, The rights of nature, Primavera Press, Sydney

(Nash 1990)
In-text reference for a paraphrase from this book

Qantas 2000, ‘Business overview’, Qantas FactFiles, viewed 14 March 2005,

(Qantas 2000, p. 1)
In-text reference for a quote from this website

Dewhirst, C 1986, ‘Hot air over the Himalayas’, World Geographic, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 34-38.

Journal article
(Dewhirst 1986, p. 34)
In-text reference for a quote from this journal article

Online Journal article

Wood, G 2006, ‘Governance or regulation? Efficiency, stability and integrity in the financial sector’, Journal of Banking Regulation, vol. 7, no. 1/2, pp. 2-16, (online EBSCOhost).
In-text reference for a paraphrase from this online journal article 15

(Wood 2006)

Exercise 1: Referencing different sources

When researching, it is important to note the publication details of each source as they will be required for your Reference List. Consider the five different sources attached: a. Book with single author; b. Book with four authors; c. Online journal article from EBSCOhost database; d. Online journal article from EBSCOhost database in PDF format; e. Webpage from website (homepage 5a and webpage 5b shown) with corporate author. Task: Write a reference list for these five sources at the end of the document.

Reference List a.






Exercise 2: In-text referencing
Task: Using the five sources from Exercise 1, complete the following in-text references. a. (from source 2) Extranets are a tool for communicating with customers, since web pages are set up with information of particular interest for individual customers (__________________________________________________________).

b. (from source 4) Luxon and Peelo (____________________) assert that for internationalisation of higher education to be valuable, teaching and learning (in particular curriculum design and course development) must become the focus of tertiary institutions.

c. (from source 4) It could be argued that ‘teaching and learning must be addressed explicitly alongside policy and strategic perspectives’ (_______________________________________________________ ).

d. (from source 4: WARNING, this is an example of a primary source cited in a secondary source!) However, it appears that ‘internationalisation at the micro level of teaching and learning sometimes seems to be seen as only problematic’ ( _____________________________________________).

e. (from source 5) Cengage Learning publishes textbooks and educational material for the tertiary, professional and reference material markets in Australia and New Zealand. They also can provide a range of technology options and custom solutions (________________________________________________).


Task: Write a paraphrase of the extract belo.

Exercise 3: Paraphrasing

Task: Write a paraphrase of the exact below. 1) Read the extract carefully and decide what the main points are. 2) Write a few notes in point form. 3) Then explain these points in two or three sentences. Remember to use your own words and put the reference in brackets at the end.

This source is a newspaper article. You have written the Reference List details at the top of the page.

Sarvananda, S 1998, ‘Out with rote learning, in with creative thinking’, This extract is the part of the article that you found Inter Press Service, 15 April, p.1. relevant for an assignment you are doing.

In its overhaul of their education system, Singapore is veering away from the current system that puts too much emphasis on paper-learning and regurgitation of facts, and too little on individual reasoning and creativity. Through a program called "Vision," the education ministry seeks to implement a two-stage scheme to encourage critical thinking. The first stage will involve, from next year onwards, a decrease in the workload of students in secondary schools and junior colleges by 10 to 30 percent. Parts of the syllabi deemed superfluous or irrelevant to real-world situations will be cut. More changes away from rote learning will be made in the year 2001, the second or "curriculum" stage. Officials hope these reforms will produce students that are confident of relying on their thinking, reasoning and creative skills for answers, instead of being heavily dependent on books or spoon-fed by teachers. Such students should turn out to be efficient and quality workers in an information-based society later on, they say.

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Paraphrase _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

    

Answers: Exercise 1
Reference List Branch, AE 2006, Export practice and management, 5th edn, Thomson Learning, London. Cengage Learning Australia Pty Limited 2010, ‘Cengage learning higher education’, Cengage learning, viewed 9 February 2010, 65072325806216. Chaffey, D, Ellis-Chadwick, F, Mayer, R & Johnston, K 2009, Internet marketing: strategy, implementation and practice, 4th edn, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow. Elmaraghy, HA & Majety, R 2008, ‘Integrated supply chain design using multi-criteria optimization’, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 37, no. 3 /4, pp. 371-399, (online EBSCOhost). Luxon, T & Peelo, M 2009, ‘Internationalisation: its implications for curriculum design and course development in UK higher education’, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 51-60, (online EBSCOhost).

Answers: Exercise 2
1. Extranets are a tool for communicating with customers, since web pages are set up with information of particular interest for individual customers (Chaffey et al. 2009). 2. Luxon and Peelo (2009) assert that for internationalisation of higher education to be valuable, teaching and learning (in particular curriculum design and course development) must become the focus of tertiary institutions. 3. It could be argued that ‘teaching and learning must be addressed explicitly alongside policy and strategic perspectives’ (Luxon and Peelo 2009, p. 51). 4. However, it appears that ‘internationalisation at the micro level of teaching and learning sometimes seems to be seen as only problematic’ (Qiang 2003, cited in Luxon and Peelo 2009, p. 51). 5. Cengage Learning publishes textbooks and educational material for the tertiary, professional and reference material markets in Australia and New Zealand. They also can provide a range of technology options and custom solutions. (Cengage Learning Australia Pty Limited 2010).



Sample answer: Exercise 3

Sarvananda, S 1998, ‘Out with rote learning, in with creative thinking’, Inter Press Service, 15 April, p. 1.

 Singapore – change in education (education ministry) – “Vision” program.  ‘Spoon-fed’, ‘paper-learning’ (synonym: rote learning)  reasoning (synonym: logic), creative and critical thinking

By introducing a new program called “Vision” in secondary schools and junior colleges, Singapore’s education ministry aims to improve students’ critical thinking (Sarvananda 1998). This program attempts to shift the emphasis in education away from rote learning facts. According to Sarvananda (1998), students will instead be encouraged to think logically, critically and creatively.


1. Book with one author


2. Book with more than one author


3. Online journal article from EBSCOhost database


4. Online journal article from EBSCOhost database in PDF format


5a. Website home page

©2010. Cengage Learning Australia Pt Limited 9/2/10

5b. Web page with corporate author 9/2/10

©2010. Cengage Learning Australia Pt Limited

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