Premium Essay

Strategic Planning


Submitted By nazmaislam
Words 3236
Pages 13
Contents 1.Introduction: 1 Company Profile: 1 Mission and vision statement: 1 Goal and Objective: 1 Core competence: 3 1.1: Strategic Planning alternative of Silk Cafe: 3 SWOT Analysis: 3 BCG matrix: 4 2. Environmental factors and Organizational analysis of Silk Cafe: 5 2.1: PEST Analysis: 6 Political Factors: 6 Environmental factors: 7 Social Factors: 7 Technological Factors 7 2.2:Significance of stakeholders on Silk Cafe: 7 3: Possible alternative strategies for silk Cafe: 8 3.1.1Sustentative growth: 8 3.1.2.Limited Growth: 9 3.1.3.Retrenchment Strategy: 9 3.2: Appropriate future strategy of Silk Cafe: 10 4. Implementation of the strategy: 10 4.1 : Roles and responsibilities of strategy implementation: 10 4.2: Required resource 11 4.3: Proposed target and time series: 11 Conclusion: 12 Reference: 12

1: Introduction:
Silk cafe is a textile company which specially work on silk product. It collects silk from all over the world and make desired products. Its main concern is to offer highest quality silk at affordable price. Silk Cafe collect the silk directly from the manufacturer so it can easily minimize the production cost. Though Silk Cafe collect silk from all over the world its main sourcing place of silk is China because China is the place where best quality of silk is produced. Silk Cafe use the best materials in their product which makes its product more preferable than other. It has create a fantastic shopping experience for its customers. Silk Cafe offer free delivery to customer. One can easily get the product whenever they want. If Silk Cafe cannot provide the products in time then it inform the customers. Silk Cafe prove a wide range of quality silk products and they are: Silk duvets, silk linen, silk pillow, silk matters pads, silk blanket, silk cushions, silk throws, silk baby blanket etc.

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