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Strategies for Communication and Collaborating Effectively


Submitted By wojhceh
Words 658
Pages 3
Strategies for Communication and Collaborating Effectively
Gen 200

Strategies for Communication and Collaborating Effectively To communicate and collaborate effectively within a group of individuals with different learning styles and personality traits they must have a good leader. In a team environment everyone needs a good leader who can see your strengths and weaknesses. Working in a team is a wonderful way to see other aspects from a different point of view. A good leader can implement support system, which will allow a team to work together effectively.
Learning Styles A team uses multiple learning styles; I am going to develop a strategy for three of them. The first style that can be effective is bodily/kinesthetic. This is a team member who is more of a hands-on learner. There are so many ways that this kind of learner can work well in a group setting. This is a person who likes physical activity. These team members like to get dirty and are in touch with the physical world around you. They utilize all of their senses around them to learn effectively. Another style of learning is intrapersonal. These learners can evaluate their own thinking. In this style of learning you are very aware of your surroundings and can express your feelings to others well. They do well with their own goals. This person would be great at motivating your team. This member has a great understanding of themselves as well as others. The last learning style that would be good to have on a team is an interpersonal learner. This team member can help with conflict resolution. They see things from others perspectives and cooperate within the group. They communicate well with others well. They also create and maintain relationships with others well.
Personality Trait Multiple personality traits that help make a terrific team; I am going to talk

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