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Strength In To Kill A Mockingbird

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“Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle” -Napoleon
Throughout Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the characters face many struggles. The story takes place in a small Alabama town called Maycomb in the 1930’s, where everybody knows everybody. This can be a problem, because word spreads like wildfire in the town. Word spreads about Scout and Jem’s father, Atticus, and how he’s defending a black in a court case. The story follows this case and how it affects the children, and in the end, leaves readers shocked. Through the concept of strength, Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, teaches readers to continue going no matter what happens. Harper Lee first teaches strength to readers by showing them it …show more content…
Atticus left the house very late at night, and the children did not know where he was going. Because Atticus usually never left late at night, Jem was very curious. So, Jem snuck out of the house, along with Scout and Dill, to investigate. When they got to the scene, they saw Atticus sitting on a chair reading a book outside of the jail. Shortly after they arrived, they saw three men that they recognized beginning to threaten Atticus. After countless times of Atticus asking the children to go home, they refuse: “‘I ain’t going,’ was his steady answer to Atticus’s threats, requests, and finally, ‘Please Jem, take them home.’”(204). Jem was standing up against his father who was standing up for Tom. Atticus was there to protect Tom because he believed he was not a rapist. The three protesters planned to harm Tom in some way. Atticus wasn’t really doing any harm to anyone. The court case was a joke to begin with. Jem was just a child at this time, so the situation was probably very scary for him. However, being the only brother, Jem stayed strong for Scout. Jem really cared about Atticus and his safety because Atticus loved him. Each and every time that Jem made a mistake throughout his life, Atticus was there because he was a good father. Jem truly appreciated Atticus, so he knew it was right to protect him. After all, it was about time that Jem repaid him for everything he’s done. This shows perseverance by Jem, despite being

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