...Brain Structures and Functions Worksheet PSY/340 Version 3 1 University of Phoenix Material Brain Structures and Functions Worksheet Provide a brief description for each of the following functions: 1. Basal ganglia The basal ganglia (or basal nuclei) are a group of nuclei of varied origin in the brains of vertebrates that act as a cohesive functional unit. They are situated at the base of the forebrain and strongly connected 2. with the cerebral cortex, thalamus and other brain areas. The basal ganglia are associated with a variety of Corpus collosum functions, including voluntary motorof nerve fibers that divides the cerebrumroutine behaviors or "habits" The corpus callosum is a thick band control, procedural learning relating to into left and right such as bruxism, eye movements, and cognitive,of the brainfunctions. for communication between both hemispheres. It connects the left and right sides emotional allowing 3. hemispheres. The corpus callosum transfers motor, sensory, and cognitive information between the brain Temporal lobe hemispheres. lobes are one of the four main lobes or regions of the cerebral cortex. Structures of the The temporal limbic system, including the olfactory cortex, amygdala, and the hippocampus are located within the 4. temporal lobes. The temporal lobes play an important role in organizing sensory input, auditory Occipital lobe perception, language and speech production, asperception system. They are not particularly...
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...Brain Structures & Their Functions The brain forms part of the central nervous system together with the spinal cord. The nervous system is the center of all communication and decision making. There are two parts of the nervous system: the central, and the peripheral nervous system. The nervous system as a whole is in charge of every part of our daily lives. Breathing, blinking, reaching to grab your phone, these are all motions brought on by our nervous system. Sensory nerves are the group of nerves responsible for gathering information from the body, and passing it along to the spinal cord which sends that message to the brain. The brain will then combine the message, and produce a response. The spinal cord acts as a superhighway of messages. It’s made up of a collection of nerves that go up and down the spine sending messages back and forth to the brain. The brain is composed of three sections: the hindbrain, the midbrain, and the forebrain. The hindbrain includes the cerebellum, the ponds, and the medulla. The midbrain includes the tegmentum and the tectum. Lastly, the forebrain includes the cerebrum, the thalamus, and the hypothalamus. The hindbrain is an area of the brain that coordinates information coming in and out of the spinal cord. It controls the most basic functions of life such as respiration, and our motor skills. There are three structures that make up the hindbrain: the medulla, the cerebellum, and the pons. The medulla is located just above the spinal...
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...Structure and Functions of the Brain Word Search Highlight your answers in the word search below. X B L A L M D D W F L S C T P S N I O A E U G O A F P U W I R U S V A J W G O M T Z V F K D R A I T E P U E O V V H C Y R T G P B M H H Y E H M R H C P V O C G O Y C J C O R P U S C A L L O S U M I D C V T E T S U G V E N C Y P T M F A P A Y F K G R U U L H O N O R E Z H S O I L R Y V Z G E Q M I N W P M D Y H V T T A O U W X D X B T A P N P C Y G E R P A P S F K V D C A R D L O I F D B I J D L K N H E X S I E U A R A H T O F Y V T L L E C G Y C M M R A L B H L F Y H G V O N S N U O S Q A L E A C L T I I S V M B C O K S H Y Q L T C B A O J O I C Z E E W T S W E B O L L A T E I R A P V N R H F A B A O B Q M Z N Z I L J T N Y E C J T M H G E P A X O G E U L L N E B H E W D O U M O T O R C O R T E X U R X L T L H S W A I T F N I T V P J S U M A L A H T J B Z G R M T B F C G S M C F X A S D B Clues: 1. The part of the brain located in the temporal lobe that is responsible for our emotional response. Amygdala 2. The portion of the brain involved in intricate cognitive functioning. Cerebellum 3. A part of the brain that belongs to the limbic system and is responsible for processing new memories. _Hippocampus_ 4. A structure that is known to be a key relay station for sensory information. ________________ 5. An area of the cerebral cortex involved in organizing, controlling, directing, and performing motor functions...
Words: 706 - Pages: 3
... T S W E B O L L A T E I R A P V N R H F A B A O B Q M Z N Z I L J T N Y E C J T M H G E P A X O G E U L L N E B H E W D O U M O T O R C O R T E X U R X L T L H S W A I T F N I T V P J S U M A L A H T J B Z G R M T B F C G S M C F X A S D B Clues: 1. The part of the brain located in the temporal lobe that is responsible for our emotional response. ________________ 2. The portion of the brain involved in intricate cognitive functioning. ___________________ 3. A part of the brain that belongs to the limbic system and is responsible for processing new memories. ________________ 4. A structure that is known to be a key relay station for sensory information. ________________ 5. An area of the cerebral cortex involved in organizing, controlling, directing, and performing motor functions. ________________ 6. A part of the brain located in the back of the cerebral cortex that is responsible for processing visual information. ________________ 7. The part of the brain that is highly involved in the control of the autonomic nervous system and pituitary hormone production and is also responsible for the “fight-or-flight” response. ________________ 8. The part of the brain that is located at...
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...J O I C Z E E W T S W E B O L L A T E I R A P V N R H F A B A O B Q M Z N Z I L J T N Y E C J T M H G E P A X O G E U L L N E B H E W D O U M O T O R C O R T E X U R X L T L H S W A I T F N I T V P J S U M A L A H T J B Z G R M T B F C G S M C F X A S D B Clues: 1. The part of the brain located in the temporal lobe that is responsible for our emotional response. Amygdala 2. The portion of the brain involved in intricate cognitive functioning. Cerebellum 3. A part of the brain that belongs to the limbic system and is responsible for processing new memories. hippocampus 4. A structure that is known to be a key relay station for sensory information. Parietal 5. An area of the cerebral cortex involved in organizing, controlling, directing, and performing motor functions. Primary Motor cortex 6. A part of the brain located in the back of the cerebral cortex that is responsible for processing visual information. Visual Cortex 7. The part of the brain that is highly involved in the control of the autonomic nervous system and pituitary hormone production and is also responsible for the “fight-or-flight” response. Hypothalamus 8. The part of the brain that is located at the base of the skull and is...
Words: 706 - Pages: 3
...University of Phoenix Material Structure and Functions of the Brain Word Search Highlight your answers in the word search below. X B L A L M D D W F L S C T P S N I O A E U G O A F P U W I R U S V A J W G O M T Z V F K D R A I T E P U E O V V H C Y R T G P B M H H Y E H M R H C P V O C G O Y C J C O R P U S C A L L O S U M I D C V T E T S U G V E N C Y P T M F A P A Y F K G R U U L H O N O R E Z H S O I L R Y V Z G E Q M I N W P M D Y H V T T A O U W X D X B T A P N P C Y G E R P A P S F K V D C A R D L O I F D B I J D L K N H E X S I E U A R A H T O F Y V T L L E C G Y C M M R A L B H L F Y H G V O N S N U O S Q A L E A C L T I I S V M B C O K S H Y Q L T C B A O J O I C Z E E W T S W E B O L L A T E I R A P V N R H F A B A O B Q M Z N Z I L J T N Y E C J T M H G E P A X O G E U L L N E B H E W D O U M O T O R C O R T E X U R X L T L H S W A I T F N I T V P J S U M A L A H T J B Z G R M T B F C G S M C F X A S D B Clues: 1. The part of the brain located in the temporal lobe that is responsible for our emotional response. ________________ 2. The portion of the brain involved in intricate cognitive functioning. ___________________ 3. A part of the brain that belongs to the limbic system and is responsible for processing new memories. ________________ 4. A structure that is known to be a key relay station for sensory information. ________________ 5. An area of the cerebral cortex involved in organizing, controlling, directing...
Words: 710 - Pages: 3
...University of Phoenix Material Structure and Functions of the Brain Word Search Highlight your answers in the word search below. X B L A L M D D W F L S C T P S N I O A E U G O A F P U W I R U S V A J W G O M T Z V F K D R A I T E P U E O V V H C Y R T G P B M H H Y E H M R H C P V O C G O Y C J C O R P U S C A L L O S U M I D C V T E T S U G V E N C Y P T M F A P A Y F K G R U U L H O N O R E Z H S O I L R Y V Z G E Q M I N W P M D Y H V T T A O U W X D X B T A P N P C Y G E R P A P S F K V D C A R D L O I F D B I J D L K N H E X S I E U A R A H T O F Y V T L L E C G Y C M M R A L B H L F Y H G V O N S N U O S Q A L E A C L T I I S V M B C O K S H Y Q L T C B A O J O I C Z E E W T S W E B O L L A T E I R A P V N R H F A B A O B Q M Z N Z I L J T N Y E C J T M H G E P A X O G E U L L N E B H E W D O U M O T O R C O R T E X U R X L T L H S W A I T F N I T V P J S U M A L A H T J B Z G R M T B F C G S M C F X A S D B Clues: 1. The part of the brain located in the temporal lobe that is responsible for our emotional response. __ Amygdala______________ 2. The portion of the brain involved in intricate cognitive functioning. _ Cerebrum__________________ 3. A part of the brain that belongs to the limbic system and is responsible for processing new memories. _ Hippocampus_______________ 4. A structure that is known to be a key relay station for sensory information. _ Thalamus_______________ 5. An area of the cerebral cortex involved...
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...in terms of specialisation of function in specific structures of the brain? INTRODUCTION In relation to what extent cognitive development can be understood in terms of specialisation of specific structures of the brain, this assignment will observe and use developmental cognitive neuropsychology which explains and seeks to understand a functional relationship between the human brain and its function. In this assignment I will produce two contrasting theories within regards to the functional specialisation, I will accomplish this with study and analysis while debating which brain functions contest and develop by exploring specific key concepts of brain development such as contesting influences that the environment may have upon a maturing brain. Throughout this essay not only will I be discussing concepts of brain development but I will also briefly present the function of language and that it is reliant upon specific structures “Cortical” and whether a pre-specified “particular region” of the brain may have a role in supporting cognitive functions and finally in-turn by using evidence based research within relation to the pre-frontal cortex I will conclude this assignment. In order to explain specialisation of function development of the brain, I will now associate functional specialisation and structural differentiation. There are particular cognitive functions and specific cortical areas in a typical “adult” brain, yet a developing brain (Prior to maturity) demonstrates...
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...Bennett The Brian The brain is consisting of three main sections. They are the forebrain, the midbrain and the hindbrain. These are connected to the central nervous system of the spinal cord (Pinel, 2011). The three sections of the brain can be subdivided into five main structures. The forebrain is where the two main structures reside; this includes the telencephalon and diencephalon which are located within the central nervous system. The midbrain is where the mesencephalon is located along with the hindbrain; the forebrain has the two final structures which are metencephalon and myelencephalon these main structures reside within the central nervous system of the brain (Pinel, 2011). The Myelencephalon, which is known as the medulla, that is located in the hindbrain, this, is the most position part of the brain. The medulla of the brain is the main structure that can carry signals throughout the entire body (Pinel, 2011). The medulla is responsible for the reticular that controls information within the brains central nervous system. The reticular information can be a complex network of the white and gray matter; this can smooth the transition between the descending and ascending signals of the central nervous system within the myelencephalon. The reticular information affects other functions of the body that includes sleep, movements, and arousal. The myelencephalon along with its reticular information can process structures of the brain that can become more serious...
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...The Brain The brain weighs about three pounds and involves about 10 million neurons ("Major Structures of the Brain", 2008). Cells that support the brain system are known as Glial cells. The brain consists of three major divisions known as the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain ("Major Structures of The Brain", 2008). The neurons in the brain process information and are the nervous systems transmitting device. Most neurons are broken down into four structures: o The Soma – the cell body which houses and protects the nucleus. o The Dendrite – the branch-like mechanism that the neuron receives information through. o The Axon – the long, thin tube-like structure that carries the information sent from the soma to the terminal buttons. o Terminal Buttons – small knob-like structures at the end of each branch of the axon. These buttons secrete neurotransmitters. The forebrain consists of the telencephalon and the diencephalon. The midbrain consists of the mesencephalon which is then broken down into the tectum and the tegmentum. The hindbrain consists of the metencephalon which is broken down into the cerebellum, pons, and the myelencephalon which is comprised of the medulla oblongata. The telencephalon is at the anterior part of the brain and is made up of the basil ganglia, the cerebral cortex, the olfactory bulb, and the corpus striatum. The functions of the telencephalon are: o Determines Intelligence o Determines Personality o Interprets Sensory Impulses o Organization...
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...The Brain The brain is split up into several different parts or structures in order to better understand how things are laid out and how they work. The simplest way to separate the different parts of the brain is into the forebrain and hindbrain, with the forebrain also being called the cerebrum, and the hindbrain being better known as the brain stem. The brainstem is best known to be in charge of involuntary and gross motor functions, such as breathing, muscle control, and digesting food. The cerebral cortex is in charge of more complex things such as thought and memory. Aside from this general way to split up the brain, it can be broken down further into five major structures, each with it’s own physiology and structures within it. These regions are the telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, and myelencephalon. The telencephalon sits at the top of the brain and is divided into two hemispheres, often referred to as cerebral hemispheres (Pinel, 2011). It is the biggest of the five major structures, and is in charge of the brain’s most complex functions (2011). Along with housing the structures that are in charge of memory and thought, the telencephalon is also the part of the brain that controls voluntary movement, taking in outside sensory stimuli, and facilitates complex thought processes such as retaining new information, processing language, and problem solving (Pinel, pg. 66, 2011). Within the telencephalon is the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex...
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...The Brain Week 2 Psy 240 Biopsychology The human brain is ultimately responsible for all thought and movement that the body produces and is one of the largest and most complex organs in the human body composed of trillions of connections that work together called synapses. The brain weighs approximately three pounds and is made up of nerve cells which interact with the rest of the body through the spinal cord and nervous system. It contains about 75 percent water along with 100 billion neurons. Neuroscientists estimate that there are 100 trillion connections among the neurons, and nearly an infinite number of paths that neural signals can travel through parts of the brain called the morass. These nerve cells transfer information back to the center of the brain where information is processed, generated and appropriately reacted upon. The human brain gives us the ability to move, generate information, to speak and understand language, to interact with the environment, to interact with inanimate objects and to communicate with others. The brain can be divided into three basic units: the forebrain, the midbrain and the hindbrain. However, there are also five major structures of the brain. The Myelencephalon, Metencephalon, Mesencephalon, Deincephalon and Telencephalon. These five major structures of the brain shed some light on the complexity of how it is structured and how the human brain works. The Myelencephalon, also called medulla, is the division of the brain...
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...neuron and describe the function of each. - Dendrites, receive messages from other cells; Soma, contains nucleus and keeps entire cell alive and functioning; Axon, carry messages out to other cells; Axon terminal, responsible for communicating with other nerves cells. 2.2 Describe the action potential. - electrical charge is sent to the axon 2.3 Describe how neurons use neurotransmitters to communicate with each other and with the body. -neurotransmitters are released from synaptic vesicles to receptor sites on other cells or glands or even muscles causing a reaction. 2.4 Explain how the brain and spinal cord interact, describe some misconceptions about the brain, and explain neuroplasticity....
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...A computer carries out functions through electrical currents. Similar to our brain and body, the brain carries out functions through our nerves. The brain gets information, processes that information, and then sends it out to the rest of the body. A large amount of information is put out to the body through the spinal cord, telling the body to do voluntary and involuntary acts. The brain is broken down into three swellings with five structures, the forebrain consists of the telencephalon, and the diencephalon, the midbrain consists of the mesencephalon, and the hindbrain consists of the metencephalon and the myelencephalon. The three swellings of the brain are the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain. The forebrain is the anterior of one’s brain. The midbrain is the small central part of the brain stem. The hindbrain is the lower part of the brain stem that compresses the cerebellum, the pons, and the medulla oblongata. These three swellings develop as a person ages and becomes adults. The first structure of the forebrain is the telencephalon, which is the largest part of the brain and controls the most difficult functions. It controls the voluntary actions that the human makes, like the ability to learn, the ability to speak, and knowing how to solve problems. This structure also controls one’s level of intelligence, one’s personality, and begins able to smell, and touch. The telencephalon is made up of many structures, the cerebral cortex, major fissures, major gyri...
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