Premium Essay



Submitted By Jamesbrighton
Words 1424
Pages 6
Big Data is a type of new era that will help the competition of companies to capture and analyze huge volumes of data. Big data can come in many forms. For example, the data can be transactions for online stores. Online buying has been a big hit over the last few years, and people have begun to find it easier to buy their resources. When the tractions go through, the company is collecting logs of data to help the company increase their marketing production line. These logs help predict buying patterns, age of the buyer, and when to have a product go on sale. According to Martin Courtney, “there are three V’s of big data which are: high volume, high variety, high velocity and high veracity.
There are other sites that use big volumes of data as well. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are among the few. There are many sites that you can share objects to various sources. On Facebook we can post audio, video, and photos to share amongst our friends. To get the best out of these sites, the companies are always doing some type of updating to keep users wanting to use their network to interact with their friends or community. Data is changing all the time. Developers for these companies and other software have to come up with new ways of how to support new hardware to adapt.
With all the data in the world, there is a better chance to help make decision making better. More and more information is becoming available at the click of a mouse, which can help companies experiment and make hypotheses towards future decisions. One challenge companies have to look at is exchanging big data rates. Everyone has a different bandwidth, which can affect the performance of what the data might be. Bigger platforms have been able to create batch processing jobs to help reduce size reduction, where workflow can be feed throughout applications without having

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