Premium Essay

Study Guide Cis 3001


Submitted By amfazand
Words 2296
Pages 10
Chapter 1: The Nature of Information Technology Projects

What is the current state of IT projects? What are key factors for successful IT projects? Hint: Refer to the summary of CHAO study
IT Projects are showing higher success rates. Better project management tools & processes, smaller projects, improved communication among stakeholders, more skillful IT project managers

What are four different approaches to improving the likelihood of success of IT projects? Hint: Understand the major characteristics of each approach. 1. Value-Driven Approach; Plain & Simple: IT Projects must provide value to the organization 2. Socio-technical Approach; It’s not just about the technology or building a better mouse trap 3. Project Management Approach; processes and infrastructure (Methodology), resources, expectations, competition, efficiency and effectiveness 4. Knowledge Management Approach, lessons learned, best practices & shared knowledge

What is a project? And its attributes?
Project: a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.
Attributes: Time Frame, Purpose (to provide value!), Ownership, Resources (the triple constraint), Roles (Project Manager, Project Sponsor, SME (domain & technical)), Risk & Assumptions, Interdependent Tasks (progressive elaboration – steps & increments), Planned Organizational Change, Operate in Environments Larger than the Project Itself

What are different roles in IT projects? Hint: Know the different responsibilities of project managers, project sponsors, and subject matter experts.
A. Project Manager: person assigned by the performing organization to achieve the project Objectives.
B .Project Sponsor: client/customer/organizational manager who acts a champinon for project and provide orgizational resources/direction when needed

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